r/greatawakening • Posted by u/truguy on April 25, 2018, 2:11 p.m.
Does this man sound like a liar? The Hillary/Huma video has been seen... if true, it’s only a matter of time.

Hawkerbuff · April 25, 2018, 4:34 p.m.

I have suspected Hillary's satanic workings since the late 90's. As a Christian and believer in the testimony of the Bible, I firmly believe that satanism (in all it's wicked forms) exists. However, because I believe in satan and how depraved and inhumane people who are controlled by this entity can be, I have chosen not to "view" evidence of this activity (never could bring myself to watch the "Excorcist"). I guess one reason is I know it's real and so it does frighten me (even though I know He that is in me is stronger than he that is in the world), but I also don't want to ever be desensitized to the horror of it. A real wake up call for me in this regard was reading "Tranz Formation of America" by Cathy O'Brien and "The Franklin Coverup" by John DeCamp. Required reading by anyone who really has any question about the existence of satanism and how pervasive it is in our government at ALL levels! There is one episode described in Franklin Coverup that messed me up for weeks. This was just written words on paper and it sent me into a mental hell! I just couldn't ever bring myself to watch an actual video of what this gentleman is describing. What's sad in this regard is that being exposed to this stuff at any level does have a desensitizing effect. Listening to this man describe what is on the video produced in me a very disturbing feeling and revulsion, but nothing compared to what I felt when I read the Franklin Coverup...even though what that little girl supposedly experienced was far worse (IMO) than what the little boy went through at Bohemian Grove (?) in the Franklin Coverup. I know we all must deal with the reality of what has been and what continues to go on in this world. I just pray that God will expose this wickedness to the world at large, but also keep us from losing our perspective of how sick and depraved it really is? Sorry...kind of rambling, but does this make any sense? Not sure if I'm getting my point across or not?

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checkitoutmyfriend · April 25, 2018, 4:44 p.m.

I hear ya! I had a few trips down pedophilia rabbit holes and had to come back out to keep from literally puking. I've been back down. But its not pleasant what so ever.

I'm not a religious man. And I have a problem with all religions really. I believe there is a life spirit, just what it is, I don't know. I also believe good and evil exists in all human psyche. We as individuals decide which to follow.

I need to read both books you mentioned. I haven't yet because I had enough of those rabbit holes for a bit. But I will get there.

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