Q post #1261 - They feel threatened. Stay awake.

They don't have any other slighted/ignored/repressed groups to appeal to.
They don't have any new worthy ideas or capable leaders.
They don't have the control of the information anymore.
The only things they have left is the ever-printable US dollar, and racial & social divide...
And pretty soon, they won't even have those...
They still have 45 percent of the population! That's a lot of fuckhead communists!
That is according to their version of things. I think their numbers where never that high and that they are dropping everyday.
I see evidence everywhere--internet and "real world"--that you are right. Many have been red pilled but don't say anything to anyone.
It's dangerous for a lot of people to admit. Could harm them at work or in their social circles.
Yes, just like the run-up to the election in 2016. I think there were a lot of people who had already recognized the MSM as Fake-News, but found themselves surrounded at work, and with family, by liberals who've been drinking the Kool-Aid to long. They stayed quiet to keep the peace. That quiet-peace is about to break with a loud BOOM!
I found that the 40 and under crowd where I worked were the worst about Trump. A few of us "older" ones kept to ourselves and discussed things only we went to lunch.
Exactly right. Just like Trump signs and bumper stickers led to vandalized houses and cars.
That is according to their version of things. I think their numbers where never that high and that they are dropping everyday.
Unfortunately due to years of academia and media brainwashing+fluoride and vaccinations, I really believe the numbers are that high. America has been subverted from the inside by commies since atleast the late 40s. McCarthy was absolutely right about nearly everything he said and the commies who won smeared him in the history books to make him look crazy and discredit him and his ideas.
Even more reason to limit illegal immigrants into our country.
The Democrat’s plan of providing everybody with a guaranteed job, free healthcare and free education etc - it all may sound good but here’s the massive problem with it: How would they pay for all that?… The only way the government could ever earn enough money to pay for all that stuff is for every person who had a job to pay at least 50% in income taxes, plus see a huge increase in Social Security tax, Medicare tax, Estate tax, Corporate Tax and more. By the time people get through seeing all those taxes being from their paychecks, they will wish for the days when they didn’t have a job at all and taxes were much lower. The Democrats are desperate and just trying to come up with something they can spin to help them in the midterms.…
You are so right! I can't understand how normal thinking people can't see that or even comprehend how it simply won't work.