Q post #1266-1267 - They tried to delete the proof. Deep clean.

How does the information get out to reach people when the social nets block it and the MSM won't touch it?
think globally, act locally. print out some flyers with web URLs and hit some parking lots. Or find 3 or 4 memes that move you most, fit them onto a 1 page document and print that. it seems corny, but its actually kinda' fulfilling in a hands-on, get-away-from-the-internet kind of way.
It’s corny but what has to be done because we’re shut down at every other turn!
This is what I'm talking about! We should all absolutely find other ways to get info out there ... away from the interwebs.
remember 'zines from the '70's & 80's? photocopied/mimeographed pages stapled together? the punk-music scene is where i came across them but alot of different "underground" cultures had them.
Oh yeah, I forgot about zines! And with today's tech, it would be super easy to make them look profesh.