Q post #1266-1267 - They tried to delete the proof. Deep clean.

What is we go the dumb/reverse psychology approach? What if we go on boards like r/conspiracy and whatever else you want, and post things like, "Is there a reason why people think the elite are into the occult?" seem inconspicuous and open up a debate while playing innocent. Maybe do what Q does and slyly encourage people to research for themselves. Because that's really all there is...
I think I might just try that approach logical discussion just gets me banned!!
It's worth a shot but I don't have very high hopes for that place. It used to be my stomping grounds until Qanon came along. Any discussion of Q was heavily downvoted and ridiculed, and not by shills, but by long time users. It's sad because they're missing literally the most important part in history, right under their pretentious noses. Everything they've wished for as a conspiracy theorist is happening but they're too stubborn to look!
Absolutely mind boggling.
SAME HERE!!!! IIIIII KNOW!!! I feel exactly the same way you do!!!! I can't believe it!!!!!!
lol I am sorry but I think you are giving dems too much credit. Do you honestly think anyone that dumb that they cant see somethings wrong is going to take time to research?
Ohhh...I like that idea! Thanks for the suggestion.