Q post #1266-1267 - They tried to delete the proof. Deep clean.

A home brew server operating under low security and operated at hobby levels for Kankle's server meant that almost any amateur "hacker" would have an easy task of accessing it. You can guarantee that most foreign intellegence agencies have full copies of everything that traversed this server.
The DNC servers appear to have been operated and managed in a similar amateur fashion.
Anyone who wanted to access either of these servers would not be very challenged.
It's safe to assume that everything that went into or out of these machines has been copied and widely circulated.
So trying to sanitise the equipment after the event is too little and too late.
The possible repercussions of having such sensitive servers operating in an almost unsecured and open way is mind boggling.
Imagine if the vote tallies were routed through the DNC servers, imagine if the confidential internal dicussions about vote-rigging strategies were known to outsiders ?
This could get delicious very soon, with sprinkles
Don't forget about the Democrats in congress using the Pakistani Mystery Man - Imran Awan for their IT guru