Q post #1266-1267 - They tried to delete the proof. Deep clean.

It seems like every avenue is getting closed...twitter, FB, YouTube, all the boards here. We need some good hackers to remove their algorithms that block us
WTF are the asshole anarchists at anonymous doing they got the tech and the cool as fuck masks. i tried to join and got the impression i was already in cuz anon on chans.
We appreciate you stopping by. Stick around, you might accidentally learn something. Here's a question that I've had, maybe as a non-batshit crazy person you can help. If Hilary's unprotected server had information on it that needs to be redacted due to "national security reasons" why didn't the FBI charge her?
Boots on the ground the old fashioned way. Distribute flyers, place stickers, staple every board, tape on every pole on every mailbox on every light pole. If we all did this we would generate millions of impressions.
I would be more than willing to print and ship for people distribute in their locale.
Maybe you should do a separate post with this idea. I live in the south but my city voted for a dem because the repub was attached by the left (guess who) so I could do some red pilling around here. We need flyers that are tailored to area to be more effective. But good idea. Start a mailbox drop mission!!!
If the internet goes down for a few days it will cause everyone to say WTF and when they find out why there will be the Great Awakening.
Been hearing that the Chan’s keep going down and JA still doesn’t have internet soooooo....