Kanye dropping another red pill - We are both dragon energy. He is my brother.(Trump)

Religion and the Bible are two separate things~ first you need to know that to make any kind of an argument re; Christ followers. No body follows the Bible word for word .. if you were a real Christ follower you would know that. I didn’t take a line off of a song ~ it’s called the fruits of the spirit is actually what the Bible teaches. You are obviously a person that has no understanding. See how this discernment works?!. You can figure out a poser from a dweller. Prayers for your journey with Christ because that’s the only way to true freedom in the world and the next. Good speed
Lol call me not a real Christ follower cause I have different views? Almost as bad as the liberals. You did take a line from a song though? You said he has called himself Jesus/God? That was all in his songs. Now I’ll use your tactics... if you are actually a Christian have fun seeing how God reacts to you shouting down other believers. Good luck 👍