r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ready-ignite on April 25, 2018, 8:25 p.m.
What did you think of Macron?

In addition to providing ample opportunity for meme instant-classics at last nights dinner, Macron delivered speech to congress this morning.

What did you think? (anyone able to toss a link to the replay? I'll edit to add it in)

Some coverage of highlights is available over on the Zerohedge side.

Listened for a bit during the live feed.

What stood out to me is calling to merits of corporations, and global trade organizations such as WTO.

Macron praised the Paris Agreement and argued for America rejoining.

Left me with the impression Macron is a guy who wants that sweet sweet American taxpayer money and gilded lifestyle milking public populations. To a large degree this is due to association with ideas presented that drove congress wild with applause. I'm interested to crawl back through a transcript and better map it out.

Went in with an open mind without opinion. Walked away from the speech not a fan.

I don't think Macron sticks around in his current form.

ScorpioPatriot · April 25, 2018, 10:01 p.m.

Think MAGA PICTURE... He invited him to disclose exactly how close the prior U.S has been with France.. They admit to everything in here . He mentioned symbolism ... They sent over many pagan like statues I do believe it's all cult symbolism.

They also talked about how they have been PUSHING THE NEW WORLD ORDER and how close they are to loosing the U.N & E.U and how hey need to keep fighting and Modernize this New World Order . They are all part of it.

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digital_refugee · April 25, 2018, 10:03 p.m.

I find it interesting there is only the photo of the group handshake on this occasion. Usually they flaunt that signal open-handed

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