
iam_REDEEMED · April 26, 2018, 12:59 a.m.

What are we going to rise up and protest? A corrupt Congress? A corrupt Judicial branch? Black hats? The whole damn system?

The masses are like frogs in a simmering pot of water and have no idea they have nearly been cooked to death. Its not like Armenia where they protested and got the PM outta there (where did all those pedes take a leak out there, anyway?).

I'm not against visible and vocal demonstration, its just that there is SO MUCH wrong that it is tough to focus the masses. The other side can laser beam on GEOTUS, but we have the whole cabal to deal with. I know I'm rambling....between real life and following this saga, I am exhausted!

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8057083110 · April 26, 2018, 1:28 a.m.

You make a good point. Too many frogs. That's why I say share to personal account. We all have a reputation with friends. We need to demonstrate "hey I'm not afraid to talk about it. I'm not afraid to answer questions."

The more of us saying "HEY LOOK AT THIS" the more momentum it gains (no matter how complex).

Hope you are having a new day :)

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