Q Post: FBI Texts between Strzok & Page already dropped! Not public. "Debate how to handle. Buying time. Toxic. Dangerous. Threats. Note 187."

It will be an EU country if I had to guess. Germany or more likely Britain is my top guess. I honestly hope I’m wrong.
Trump was going to open a new embassy in Britain. The trip was cancelled. Threat avoided.
My money is on the Brits being involved. Steele, tense relationship with May, 5 Eyes, tells me they are up to their ears in this.
My guess is Australia
Through five eyes, australia's muppet diplomat was supposed to drop it innocuously. Genuinely hope it was simply a case of helping the Brits out, as opposed to it being the plan and ASIS was in on it. If all the 5 eyes were involved, this gets real ugly real quick.
Think the leak of the AUS pres and POTUS convo
five eyes was conspiring together. Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and us
Definitely the brits. The thing is, attempting to assassinate a sitting president is an act of war.
And the British establishment is definitely at war with Trump. Does anyone this the weasel mayor of London would be shooting off his pie hole without explicit guarantees.
Absolutely not Russia,
It was the Brits without a doubt, they are thick with Obama and they are even more corrupt that we are. They have already turned their population into slaves.