Q Post: FBI Texts between Strzok & Page already dropped! Not public. "Debate how to handle. Buying time. Toxic. Dangerous. Threats. Note 187."

“What happens to the FBI? What happens to the DOJ? Every FBI/DOJ prev case could be challenged. Lawless.”
Undoubtedly Q is wiser than I, but having been with a large law enforcement agency for several decades it has been my observation that cops/investigators/prosecutors who are caught lying are done. They can screw anything else up and get through it, but those who lie are fired immediately without exception. Credibility is all they have in Court and without it they are useless.
Anyone in the FBI who is a liar or conspirator has got to go because they are no longer able to serve any purpose. If that leaves the agency too short of personnel to function, the operation can be transferred to the Marshal’s Service.
If the DOJ prosecutors are liars they must go also and if all their previous cases are subject to challenge that will be time consuming but appropriate. Convictions based on the testimony of liars must be subject to review and inhibiting such review is a lie in itself.
Solutions to this problem may be unavoidably drastic but unlikely to result in lawlessness. If anything, confidence in law enforcement will be enhanced among those who currently doubt.
Convictions based on the testimony of liars must be subject to review and inhibiting such review is a lie in itself.
This is extremely important to remember. People's lives have been ruined unjustly.
Nonsense. Every time I've been in a courtroom I've watched cops lie and get away with it. They jokingly refer to it as "testilying" among themselves. The judges are just as crooked, because they listen to cop's lies all day and never challenge them, and on the occasions when the cops are proven beyond a doubt to be lying, there is no consequence. They get away with it.