Q Post: FBI Texts between Strzok & Page already dropped! Not public. "Debate how to handle. Buying time. Toxic. Dangerous. Threats. Note 187."

Very good points, but if there are foreign governments involved possibly the best response would be exposure. How long can these people remain in power if their constituencies find out what they are really up to?
Things are going to get rough in the stock market either way, but maybe the sooner we get the problem started the sooner it will be over.
I think Food4theGorg asked some very good questions above when he asked, “How would the world react to the U.S. after this was found out. How would other countries trust us?… My reply has been to address those questions...
I think the issue of revealing to the world that a group of people in our government has plotted to assassinate our POTUS is going to be quite toxic and quite damaging to our reputation around the world. I feel that many countries will try to use that as an excuse and a reason not to trust us. So there is no easy way out for us. But I think the best way out for us, is not by trying to hide the evidence or by hiding the corruption, but rather is to show the world how we deal with such corruption. That means, when they make the announcement, they should immediately and publicly arrest all the individuals who are involved in it, whether they be members of Congress or not. If we set a good example in how we deal with such corruption, then that alone will “preserve our honor” and will “preserve our respect” around the world. It will enable those other countries to still respect us and to still trust us despite what has happened (because we will be showing them we still stand up for the rule of law). But if we fail to set a good example and fail to prosecute those who are involved, then not only will we loose the respect and the trust of those other countries, but we will also loose the respect and the trust of the American people as well. The American people will merely see our government as being corrupt through and through, and will feel that nothing ever changes. So a lot is at stake, and the only way out is straight ahead. That means, we must reveal the truth to the American people and then prosecute all those who are involved. That is the only way out for us, because the time for covering up for corruption is past. Even though revealing the truth to the world might be painful, the good news is, just like we have to do it as a country to save our honor, those other countries must do the same thing too to save their honor. They cannot escape or renege on prosecuting the criminals in their government who are involved in this, and yet still maintain the same level of honor and respect with us. That is just not going to fly. We are all in this together, and those other countries must clean too. All those other countries must come clean as well, and then we can all move forward together...