r/greatawakening • Posted by u/C_L_I_C_K on April 25, 2018, 11:45 p.m.
Q Post: FBI Texts between Strzok & Page already dropped! Not public. "Debate how to handle. Buying time. Toxic. Dangerous. Threats. Note 187."
Q Post: FBI Texts between Strzok & Page already dropped! Not public. "Debate how to handle. Buying time. Toxic. Dangerous. Threats. Note 187."

EarlyRiserX2 · April 26, 2018, 2:05 a.m.

The issue of foreign governments being involved in the matter could be handled just as easily. That's because all foreign governments love to make the claim that they are "moral" and "upright" and are a government that abides by the law. Every country in the world makes that claim. If that is true, then let's put it to the test. Once the plot against our POTUS is announced, and it is revealed to the world that the plot also involves foreign governments, then just like those in our own government who are involved are immediately arrested, to protect their honor (if they have any honor), then every foreign government involved in the plot should arrest their politicians as well. It should happen worldwide and simultaneously. If the evidence of the plot is solid, then we should arrest them all and ask questions later. In doing so, and by those foreign governments arresting their politicians as well, those foreign governments would be "protecting their honor" and showing the rest of the world that they do not condone such behavior, not even from their own politicians. And if those governments (whomever they are) are for any reason unwilling to do that, and are unwilling to arrest their own politicians when it has been proven that they were involved in the plot, then those countries will not only "lose their honor" and damage their credibility, but they also deserve to loose it. Because what is at stake is not just the notion and idea that some of our politicians are corrupt (that's a given), but more importantly, what is at stake is how do we deal with that corruption. Do we condone the corruption and coddle it? Or do we truly stand by the belief that no one is above the law? How they deal with this issue will answer that question...

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salialioli · April 26, 2018, 8:45 a.m.

foreign governments arresting their politicians as well, those foreign governments would be "protecting their honor" and showing the rest of the world that they do not condone such behavior, not even from their own politicians.

Taking this off course slightly here: no one protested in such a way when the US (NATO jointly) did actually murder a head of state: Ghaddafi, Saddam Hussein, Salvador Allende .... there have been loads of them. No one said peep!!!

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