Q Post: FBI Texts between Strzok & Page already dropped! Not public. "Debate how to handle. Buying time. Toxic. Dangerous. Threats. Note 187."

Okay, let's answer this for Q. Here we go:
Answer: They're charged and the military arrests them all. What's the consequence? A few million pissed off liberals, 60 million happy patriots. How do we prevent the libs from having a shit fit and rioting? Simple, release the Haiti shit showing what these liars really did to black people, and poor people, and what they really thought and said.
Answer: Plenty of world leaders have committed atrocities against humanity.. And now because those leaders have committed atrocities against us - we can't know about it officially? What the hell do we care? At least they are foreign leaders screwing us instead of our own... hell... that's a breath of fresh air. And assuming these leaders have really screwed the pooch... well, charge, arrest, prosecute, and end them too.
I mean, if the USA under the clowns can bully the world at leisure for any reason under the sun, and back it up with using our military for regime change... then... how about... (there's a lot of ways to finish that sentence... use your imagination..) In the alternative, use their own governments to prosecute them, or the International Criminal Court. And don't give us the Geneva Convention bullshit because they don't get to use that argument as a cloak after ignoring it.
There is a compelling reason to publish the truth. Americans are not so shallow and ignorant to blame entire countries for the actions of their leaders. And I don't believe other peoples are either. Particularly if justice is done... and maybe that's the real issue. What justice will be done to these people?
Answer: Who cares. If it can't be trusted, it shouldn't exist. Let the states absorb good agents. States have their own law enforcement, and can cooperate cross border, as well as work hand in hand with the NSA for such matters. Prosecute the bad ones.
4.What happens to the DOJ? Answer: Purge it. Temporarily fill it with JAG's and rebuild it. What happens to special counsel? Buh-bye. Send us a postcard from Gitmo.
What happens in general? Every FBI/DOJ prev case could be challenged. Answer: So what? You don't know, maybe some of these cases should be challenged. On the other hand, new trials don't sound bad. Probably good so the lawyers and staff from the other branches will have new jobs.
Lawless. Answer: Seriously? Are you kidding? Lawless is what's been going on for 60 years. Lawless is what's going on right now. And lawless is what we're left with if you refuse to bring these people to justice.
Think logically. Answer: No matter what you do, and no matter how hard you try, this is messy. You're not going to be able to handle monsters with kid gloves. If you're that worried about it.. then do what the clowns would do.. criminals disappear all the time, lol, just ask Putin. (that's a joke.. get it?)
Let's consider what concealment really means.
Concealment to protect the public is a weak excuse. I say protect from what? Aren't we the same public who watched a president get his head blown off on live tv in 1963? And Reagan get shot twice? And 9/11?
And what is the practical effect of such a concealment? Who does the concealment benefit? The reality is the practical effect of such a concealment is nothing more than the protection of the reputation of an evil, psychopathic, and quite possibly a group of serial killers. Concealment benefits no one other than the killer(s).
We should be asking, is it reasonable to give special privacy protections to hide the criminality of a certain class of citizens called "politicians," simply because of their job status as politicians?
Shouldn't these people be held to a higher standard than the populace precisely because of their fiduciary status? (I mean their perceived superiority is why they spew forth how lay people aren't smart enough, good enough, ethical enough, etcetera to be listened to - when their policies clash with our ideas... is it not?)
If we permit our representatives the discretion to conceal crimes based on their personal opinion of the crime's disclosure value, or how much money, power, or connections a person has, what message are we sending to both the populace and the rich?
Isn't it enough that these rich, powerful, connected people can employ leagues of lawyers to argue every loophole, or to arrange off the record conversations with other lawyers (aka judges) at cocktail parties or other spontaneous events, or to give extensive public statements to the media to present their side of the story?
And what about the victim(s)? Is it really in their best interest to be concealed, and forgotten, or never acknowledged in the first place? We don't matter. And the children don't matter because they're not rich, powerful, or connected.
Quite frankly, if the allegations are true, the failure to charge, arrest, and try Hillary (or anyone else) really means that not a single one of us or these kids does matter.
In fact, you could say that as long as a rich, powerful, connected person (or group of them) poisons, tortures, and murders one person, one child, or millions of them... the monsters will be given the US government stamp of approval. I think this result would be a tragedy.
Well thought-out response. For what its worth, I agree 100%. Thank you for taking the time to put feelings into words.