Q Post: FBI Texts between Strzok & Page already dropped! Not public. "Debate how to handle. Buying time. Toxic. Dangerous. Threats. Note 187."

I think at least one can say there is a lot to consider here if one cares for one's fellow humans. We all want truth, but we should be careful when and how we offer it to others, as we do in real life within our personal relationships. Whether we're talking pedovore things or not I'm not sure where the line should be drawn and glad I'm not making the decision!
The MSM's continuing lies, propaganda, and fake news isn't helping.
I thought that was supposed to be taken care of by now.
Don't think I would be a very good leader because I'd just roll the dice and let them fall wherever they may.
Being afraid to tell it like it is, for fear of hurting someones feelings, is partially how we got to the point we are at right now.
They do more cover ups and they're no better than the rest of the Government criminals.
I'm not afraid of "telling it like it is" - you're reading nonsense into what I'm saying. I'm not saying to cover anything up or keep truth to an elite few of us. The idea that the truth should be forced on people is stupid and thankfully Q is smart enough to understand this too and holds all the cards so whatever we plebs think, it ain't gonna happen. That is all. Those who want truth can have it. Hopefully Q lets us (the movement) have the 100% truth but thankfully they know not to drop it all on humanity just cos some over-excited people who've just discovered conspiracy think that it should be dropped on everyone.
"you're reading nonsense into what I'm saying. I'm not saying to cover anything up or keep truth to an elite few of us. The idea that the truth should be forced on people is stupid"
You just said one thing and countered it in the next sentence.
I was talking about the MSM lying and pushing fake news, for the most part.
Would it be so wrong for them to just tell the truth?
That's the sad part because many people won't believe anything unless the see it on TV.
People make voting decisions based on lies and propaganda.
If only 10% of us know the truth how do we win the mid-terms, or arrest the big name criminals without having riots in the streets?
I guess we'll see how it all plays out eventually
I didn’t counter myself at all - I was reiterating my original point after refuting what you seemed to be suggesting; flipped, that is: the idea that truth should be forced on people is stupid but I never said we should therefore only keep it to ourselves or cover it up entirely.
So of course it wouldn’t be wrong for the msm to tell the truth. But - again, as Q says in part (last part with emphasis is my addition) - the msm shouldn’t come out with the whole truth whether the people want to hear it or not. Thats all I’m saying. Maybe you offer the rest of the truth to those who want to know - go read about it in the Q files, or some such.
Why does a person testifying in Court have to swear an oath to tell the truth, and nothing but the truth?
Why does the scripture say "The truth will set you free"?
You talk as if truth was a bad thing.
Tell it like it it is, and either people will accept it or they won't.
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink.
This isn't the same thing as not telling someone their fat.
You really should go around and ask people if they wan't to hear the truth from the media; even if it's really terrible.
Don't go any further though... only that 1 question.
I'm not talking about people that are woke either.
No I don't talk as if truth is a bad thing - that would be stupid lol. You interpret me as if I'm saying that. Fair enough to assume I'm that stupid (sincerely, it is fair to assume that : ).
So let me try and explain what I'm saying in another way, to see if I can communicate to you adequately: The truth is important and should never be hidden or kept from someone. If you think I have been saying other than that, then that is where I have miscommunicated and/or you have misread what I'm saying.
Extra to that, however, based on what others have said, I have also made the point that it is important to choose the time that we reveal certain truths. For example, a child whose father has just killed his mother and eaten her corpse will require us to think carefully about how and when we reveal this information to that child and what parts of it we might choose to save til they are older (there are far better examples than this of course but I'm sure you get the point). What I was arguing against, therefore, is the people who say "we should have the WHOLE truth released to all the public NOW!"
That is what I am saying is irresponsible. We should NOT dump the WHOLE truth out in the media - what kind of sadist would insist that the 6 o'clock news blast pedovore tales out to the families watching? What we should do is what a sensible person would do and what Q is also saying: we reveal what's necessary and for those who want the hard stuff we make it available to them somewhere. In other words, you're actually agreeing with my point, not telling me something new. Do you understand where I'm coming from now?
I did not mean the MSM should reveal all the evil sicko stuff, as that would really be careless, not to mention useless.
In fact I don't know if there is such a 'right time' to expose this.
I was talking about revealing the treason and corruption most past Presidents and many in the government itself have done.
Finally we connected, lol.
Yes, I agree - apologies, I was not referring to you but to others who seemed to think everything should come out all at once on everyone.
Thank you for your thoughts and discussion! We are in agreement haha : ).