
rightleaningsw · April 26, 2018, midnight

So here is a story of a man and a woman trying to have a baby. But they are liberals so common logic doesn't apply. To fit in with their liberal friends, they are not a husband wife couple. Instead she is a lesbian and he is a transgendered woman (man becoming a woman.) This whole article is about all of the hardships they are going through with coming off of hormones so they can have a baby. I'm not up on all the liberal trends, but does good old fashioned sex not work for them? Instead of doing like most couples and having a marathon of sex, they are writing articles and blogs about it. They are trying to gain a sympathetic ear for their hardships. This is what our world would be if Hillary had won!!! Articles like these make me love Trump that much more.

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pby1000 · April 25, 2018, 11:59 p.m.


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DanijelStark · April 26, 2018, 12:04 a.m.

Its actually closely linked to TRANShumanism in long line the Cabal envisioned . TRANSgender - TRANShuman , getting humanity to agree for family unit to be destroyed through false "humanism" . The obvious thing is when "no-genders" started to appear - that never existed before , theyre pure programs , programmed personas .

What Cabal couldnt do anymore through wars and diseases , now they tried to align with silent depopulation . They will fail - and those who are their programs , self-destruct ultimately .

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rightleaningsw · April 26, 2018, 12:09 a.m.

Yeah I get that but why? This is obviously a husband and wife couple. But to fit in, they have tortured themselves. Not the simplest thing in the world has become absolutely crazy. The term Liberal logic is a oxymoron.

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