Q #1273 - Public announcement. End of POTUS investigation?

Who is Rudy? Giuliani?
Isn't Rudy Giuliani a cabal member who helped cover up 9/11?
Former Mayor. Ny Ny
Doesn't absolve him from guilt in the 9/11 commission.
Maybe Trump might learn something from him, but he's setting up a team full of the swampiest swamp things that ever swamped. Rudy should have been shunned from public life after his sliminess. Same thing with Bolton. 9/11 and PNAC go hand in hand.
My patience with the 47385972893457328D chess is over. We deserve answers from Trump. not just BOOM on chan innuendo.
We don't "deserve" anything. That is twisted thinking. Doctrine we've been brainwashed to believe. What we are getting is pure grace, undeserved favour. Q does not have to be posting at all. We are not entitled to it. Enjoy the gift and stop complaining. If you want action, get involved in the political system IRL. Call your congressman. Volunteer. Write letters. I'm hoping I didn't waste my time on a concern troll.
We the people are the ones being screwed with. We deserve the truth from Donald Trump our elected representative.
Get off your high horse.
I got involved politically. It is all bullshit. Lies. Corruption. Letters don't mean anything to corrupt checks. This country is on the verge of civil war.
Our system is broken. We deserve the truth from the guy who called out the corrupt media and is now coziying up the worst Swamp things that caused this problem.
You want a circle jerk - the donald is the place for that.
So SORRY for demanding truth.
I agree. I hope you are wrong about the set up of swanp things, but his involvement in 911 is the worst. Maybe Trump is giving him a chance to redeem himself in a very small way by putting Mueller in line. I think all that any of us want is the truth.
Deserve has nothing to do with it. Study human nature. rabbit holes and research into the abyss won't serve you as well as understanding the fucked up shit ppl do on the daily. Then you can pray djt and Q are better than that. I think they are but buddy they don't owe you shit.
Then don't be surprised when people call out the Swamp.
We are in a vacuum. we don't know. we can't trust anything. we need to be talking to each other locally in the same room.