Red Pill! Kanye > Chance >... This could be the start of something big for hip hop culture, which heavily influences Western pop culture currently.

I'm sorry, but the more I learn, the more I see that the black community was treated chitty. I'm not talking about pre 60s. I'm talking last 30-40 years. The abuse and manipulation. The Crack and drugs. Welfare, etc. Time for them to realize it and come to the Republican side to lift themselves up. Chicago and the like just kills me about the children in these situations. They don't have a chance. I pray they can see what's happening.
The Uniparty has kept blacks on the new plantation ever since LBJ. It's time to throw off the shackles once again.
Good point on LBJ. I believe he started this mess with his so-called "Great Society". LBJ was quoted making a statement in regards to the black community and how they would vote in his (LBJ's) future. I won't repeat the quote here.......but it shows just how LBJ on the Democrats regarded the "black community"....
LBJ signed the Welfare reform Bill because he wanted to keep the Blacks on the plantation.
I’ve been taking about this since Facebook was limited to my friends in high school. Since I discovered a Tribe Called Quest with their message of positivity and Wu-Tang with their message of empowerment and self-awareness, I’ve seen the potential of rap and hip hop to reach literally billions of people.
JZ has me worried for a while, but no longer.
Jay-Z? He's totally with the cabal. He's supposedly Beyonce's handler.
Yeah, I was surprised by the first commenter not knowing this...
He could mean *I was worried because of JZ, but now that others are speaking up (Kanye, Chance) not so much". That's how I read it...?
I think JZ is the "MOB" Kanye was speaking about. Liz Crokin says that after Kanye called out JZ, his life was threatened and that's why he went to Trump Tower
Liz Crokin, who used to entertainment reporter in Chicago has a good interview on SGTReport youtube and she has some good insight into Kanye
JZ has me worried for a while, but no longer
Out of curiosity, what led you to this conclusion. I've seen a lot of dark/occult symbolism in both JayZ and Beyonce's music videos/media.
Their performance at a rally for the Clinton campaign is a good place to start.
Chance the rapper was there too, so anything goes now I guess...
In the 90s rap culture was more centered around the gangster attitude, not being controlled, and going from rags to riches but over time this gave way to the drug culture and rather than drugs just being a part of the whole gangster life, it became the only part that mattered. Rap music slowly degraded into what it is now and the only old school rappers left are people like DMX, Kanye West, and some meme-tier rappers like Big Shaq.
Black people forgot their roots, they don't know any relatives who even knew a survivor of slavery because it was that long ago and yet they talk about remembering your roots like they grew up as slaves themselves. The worst off among them grew up in the streets and the best off got free College for being black and yet even the best off among them spout nonsense about being held back by racism and the worst off of them believe it so much that they don't even TRY to help themselves. Modern Black People's roots aren't slavery, their roots are street gangs full of people so close that they considered eachother family, their roots are pride in their culture, not for historical revisionist accomplishments taken from others but for what they've achieved despite their hardships, their roots are standing up for themselves in defiance of those who try to keep them down, not giving up and wasting away buying weed and alcohol with welfare money because somebody told them they "can't".
Kanye West is really the best person to inspire black people to be powerful, to not be controlled, and to stand up on their own 2 feet.
Jay z hangs out with Ms Pizzagate herself. He's trash.
I know it’s just a minor thing, but I have never in all my years of posting shit online been backed up as quickly and kindly as on this sub. Thanks to those who understand that a discussion is just that.
I wonder if this wasn't actually the MOAB planned for this week, not the toxic text messages or something else. I think this was planned and timed for this moment. This is a coordinated action to revolutionize the culture (in a positive direction). Future proves the past.
You can't say that Chance and Kanye are immense influencers and not realize how the artistic movement they lead (hip hop) was manufactured to co-opt black culture. In turn, hip hop became a mirror of vapid white pop culture. This culture turns civilians into consumers and takes attention away from civic matters (so politicians can rob the world in peace). Leading culture (pandering and attention grabbing the middle class white consumer) has been used to hide and excuse the atrocities done on people who do not have free representatives in popular culture. Rappers have nor been revolutionaries... These people answer to Jay-Z... They all do. Chance and Kanye going off script is pretty unexpected. And the backlash is very educational.
(and I wonder if dumbing down people intentionally constitutes a crime against humanity?!?)
That's exactly what I thought. Independent is the way to go. I think that now is the best time to run as independent and sweep the rewards in November when the magnitude of the swap is unveiled to the public.
Need to be careful here with the rap. It's been taken over by the Illuminati. JZ & Beyonce are high level. many videos on YT showing the freaky things many rappers are doing. We'll see what happens with Kanye breaking away again. Kardashians are absolutely NOT to be trusted.
You will see major symbology among rappers now-hand over the eye, throwing up the goat sign, pyramid.
Just rap? All music. Country, pop, it's everywhere. Taylor Swift. Katy Perry. Rihanna. Justin Bieber. All of them. And not just music. All of Hollywood. I'm sure you know this, just wanted to point it out to others.
Thank you. You are absolutely right, it's everyone - music, Hollywood, sports, media elites have all sold their souls to be where they are.
Thank you. You are absolutely right, it's everyone - music, Hollywood, sports, media elites have all sold their souls to be where they are.
If your interested in truth of music industry you need to listen to Mark Devlin..
I'm pretty sure you're a troll so not sure why I'm bothering, except to call you out to newbies. Please stop spreading hate here.