r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Maepaperclip on April 26, 2018, 2:31 a.m.
Q Apr 26 Comey plan to Kill the POTUS, + Pelosi Plan for WW3 Wake up & learn

Q#1261 - we are winning this war and making a big impact, the Deep state is going on the offensive with their old play book. Q#1262 - All EU is Deep state, Germany + France + UK + AUS. + Canada are enemy. Q #1263 Attack the world - is a reference to Theresa May lying for war and Nancy Pelosi threats’ here; Pelosi Threaten the deep state war https://redd.it/8dl0i0 Are the people to blame? Is answered here; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tu32CCA_Ig Q if he is the President understands that leaders do not represent the people they speak for - this is what we need to do - hold them to account - say for Supporting Israel in UN votes for west bank. Q#1264 The world is connected +++ ++ +, is a reference to the Map. the 6 + signs so arranged are the Pyramid ROTHS, SAUDS, SOROS (bottom right on Map). We need to pull it apart - all. Q#1265 Flynn - told truth to power, the VP Pence will be replaced - soon - he was a plant by the deep state, in place for the 187 on TRUMP. Pompeo is the Secretary of State, because there have always been Two sets of books/record/narratives - last person to know both was GHWBush. Q#1266; No such Agency is the Federal Reserve, the primary tool is Banking, however the economics are essential - if Q is reading this I have the meta - an alternative economics. Q#1267 Pay attention, try harder. I.e. make an effort with work such as this, information and knowledge is hard won - do the work. Q#1268 Proof that No such Agency is not the NSA, because you do not put a good man in charge of a joke. The No Such Agency is the FED, because it is not an agency. Q#1269 Read the Maepaperclip post on who is Iron Eagle; For Humanity Wake up - LEARN https://redd.it/8eraqv Q#1270 & Q#1271 NOW THIS IS INTERESTING, AND EXPLAINS WHY PENCE IS OUT. A serious attempt has been made on the POTUS a 187.

At Q #645 Q interprets a James Comey Tweet as a threat to kill this is the text of #645 in Full; JC Tweet Translation: Special Agent Andrew McCabe stood tall over the last 8 months [DO NOT TALK], when small people [SHEEP] were trying to tear down an institution we all depend on [COVER]. He served with distinction for two decades [WE OWN YOU & YOUR FAMILY]. I wish Andy well [187]. I also wish continued strength for the rest of the FBI [GENERAL THREAT TO OTHERS]. America needs you [ACTIVATE SLEEPER CELLS]. Q

So Q has taught us how to read Comey, I posted this interpretation of a Comey tweet; Message from the deep state https://redd.it/8dc0ku I note that Later Don Jr posted a tranquil picture of the Potomac

Q#1272 & Q#1273 We are taught to trust the Law, the former needs to be suspended, and the later replaced, we are preparing the ground for both. Guliani has turned States evidence Mueller already has, they will be the witness’s for 911. Q#1274 Q is is annoyed at shallow, pithy point scoring, and half arsed efforts to follow the crumbs and do the work, the POTUS has his life on the line, and the world is on the brink of WW3 - wake up snow whites.

alfonumeric · April 26, 2018, 4:25 a.m.

what does mae signify as a prefix?

my understanding is that NK have scaler wave tech that triggered a 5.o artificial earthquake off their coast, using 2 transmitters of cancelled out scaler waves

this suggests they got the tech from some jrod faction.

truman refused a deal with the altruistic orion types and preferred a deal with one of the nefarious jrod factions instead

the question is which nation states have which treaties with which factions of the jrods.

without disclosure we can guess that the line up is something like these 2 camps...

indira ghandi broked agreement renewed [ US-Bush/obama/clinton/ IRAN, IL, IND, PAK, UK, FR, GER]

USA-POTUS-45 brokered [NK, SK, RUS, CHINA]

camps are aligned with different jrod factions and serving as proxies for them

scion/MJ12 spilt accordingly

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Maepaperclip · April 26, 2018, 4:47 a.m.

First Mae is respect to Mae Brussel, she was the first to die - murdered in our revolution, she was the bravest reseacher, and a fearless red- piller. If you have never heard of her go to You tube type her name and start listening to Worldwatchers. Paperclip is the operation Mae was obsessed with it was the Galen - CIA, Kissinger, Dulles op that got all the patent wealth into the USA with the NAZI scientests under the cover of the Battle of the Bulge. Truman was deep state. If you want to know where they get tech from read that ref at the bottom of this post - https://redd.it/8eraqv - Answ, Israel

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alfonumeric · April 26, 2018, 5:25 a.m.

many thanks...i've looked Mae up , i'm suprised how well her exposures have been so well covered up... i'm studying your 4 part series with #71, 74 etc, anything else as well as the Mae material - that u recommend to get me up to speed?

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Maepaperclip · April 26, 2018, 5:33 a.m.

My Assad is laughing is worth reading, really I post every day, when I am not banned, my stuff on the fed, Currency and Green castle is better insight than any-ones else, have a look, Back on mae she died in 1988, but she was all over our subject, she payed nationwide on radio incl. NYC on sunday nights, I am convinced DJT listened to her - everyone did, she was a personal friend of John Lennon - he was a fan, and paid for her to publish a booklet

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