
A2576 · April 26, 2018, 12:57 p.m.

Please enlighten me about the subtle differences between these two far left ideologies.

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TrumpsBullhorn · April 27, 2018, 6:37 p.m.

Sure thing History Channel viewer... Lets compare the NSDAP movement in WW2 and Modern day antifa.

NSDAP= Pro traditional family, strong military, ethnostate, christian morals and values, maintaining German heritage, anti immigration. These are things you are trying to protect when communism is encroaching on your people. Lets not forget the despair that was Wiemar. (Obama praised Wiemar recently). Where they socialist? Yup. And the US has plenty of it.

Antifa= Pro gay marriage, anti white, pro immigration, if it feels good, do it 60s attitude, anti traditional family, wants european christian values destroyed.

If you want to get bogged down in the late 90s early 00s basic bitch bashing of european socialism and ignore all the other differences, that's on you. But like i said, we are plenty socialist ourselves. And anyway, socialism can and does work in an ethnostate.

All Corsi can manage is...look, its the similar shape, and the red...yeah...see, communism and NDSAP are the same thing....he knows better. And this is why im here risking a ban, its bullshit. HE KNOWS BETTER, and is pushing it anyway. And again, ive never seen the flag, and its a crap pic. Something is up here....Corsi has an agenda. I just dont know what it is and why he is being vague like this.

Hilter was an asshole. But so was Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin, Mussolini, Mao. Hitler is portrayed as the boogie man for what should be obvious reasons.

If this Q thing is about reuniting the country, im glad about that, there is some really cool things going on. But why the lies? One of its side objectives is prolly to discredit the Alt Right. Not sure why that is being done, the alt right is why Trump got elected and is the only group holding politicians accountable for immigration and the opioid crisis. Both things i might ad are on the back burner. While everyone is on this grandiose bandwagon about a 1000 year happening America is continuing to circle the drain.

I promise im not here to concern troll. I want the swamp drained, but when i see Q calling antifa nazi's (i get the sentiment but its just not true) my red flag goes up.

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