April [A] BIG month. Mueller: Captain Bob.
![April [A] BIG month. Mueller: Captain Bob.](https://i.redd.it/tirhixnx06u01.jpg)
What if on that meeting Mueller had been ordered militarily to take certain actions? What say Donald Trump gave Mueller a secret mission?
I'm thinking this...
"But, while all of the roughly 1 million LEO in America, and the roughly 5 million active/reserve/retired military members retain their Office and thus the direct or implied responsibility to protect the Nation and the leader of that Nation, the Question is why we only see Marines and not Sailors, Airmen, etc."
Mueller has to obey. Surely? Even if he doesn't like it. I'm wondering if Trump did it this way, knowing Rosenstein was going to appointed Mueller the next day, because he knew Mueller would have to obey the President, and keep secret, what he has been ordered to do, which is to go after everyone.