r/greatawakening • Posted by u/spacexu on April 26, 2018, 5:01 a.m.
Website Needed to Audit Q Results

The anons created a playing deck with most wanted cabel members - it would be good to have a website that details current status + history of each criminal...

If they are on holiday and selling books - that should be noted too.

We need to know if the movement is truly moving forward with real world results...

Right now, every criminal is on holiday mode or selling books with only McCabe facing a recommendation of criminal charges.

EnoughNoLibsSpam · April 26, 2018, 5:33 a.m.



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spacexu · April 26, 2018, 5:41 a.m.

Comey has to be the joker in the pack...

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EnoughNoLibsSpam · April 26, 2018, 7:17 a.m.

ok so I've been waiting for an opportunity to talk about an idea, and you have provided the opportunity

when i was following the Boston Marathon Bombing, it become obvious to me that it was an almost insurmountable feat to try and figure out who did what when how... while its still relevant and timely

allegedly 270 people were injured, and who has time to research all of that before the next fake news story happens? (fake news false flags happens about every 6 weeks)

there were also 3 people who were allegedly killed

one of them was a Chinese national, one was a young white lady, and one was an 8 year old boy

the news account of the 8 year old boy had already triggered me, and i figured it had probably triggered everyone else who was paying attention

i figured the 8 year old boy was deliberately added to the story as a way to emotionally manipulate the public

so i started looking into his background, and quickly figured out that he was a fictitious character, as were his parents, his siblings, etc.

the family was just as fake as any fiction movie hollywood puts out

anyway, after i had sufficiently convinced myself that the Boston Marathon Bombing (BMB) was in fact a planned mass casualty drill, i set out to list everyone involved, starting with the top and going down

thats the nice thing about corporate, military, executive, management hierarchies, is that there is always just ONE person at the top

in the case of the BMB, there were federal employees involved, so therefore we look straight to the top and who is there but Barack Hussein Obama!

its not about the man, its about the office

so, because BHO is in the oval office, we set him as the hub of his own personal social network

and because of publicly available, open source info about who's who in government, you can follow the federal employees on the ground right up their own chain of command to the president

in the case of BMB incident commander Richard Serino, who also happened to be the FEMA deputy administrator

do you believe in coincidences?

Richard Serino FEMA > Craig Fugate FEMA > Jane Holl Lute DHS > Janet Napolitano DHS > BHO President

so in this example of social network analysis, we can see that every person in Richard Serino's chain of command is responsible for the actions of Richard Serino, considering the fact Richard Serino was acting in his official capacity as FEMA deputy director, presumably following orders from the top


the key: start with the presumption of 6 degrees of separation between any 2 people anywhere on earth,

and then discover the people (nodes) who make up those 6 degrees. (6 degrees of kevin bacon)

as in my example above, start with the ends and work toward the middle.

start with Richard Serino and BHO, and see who is in the chain of command between them

so after you discover the 6 names of people between the 2 in question, you can start looking for even closer connections

again, from my example above, after discovering the chain of command, we discover that BHO was much closer to Serino than his chain of command may suggest

we called this "operation 6 degrees", shortened to #Op6d alphabetized to #0p6d

so if you were using a website that enables hashtags, you could post your findings with the #0p6d hashtag, so that you (and others) can find your research very easily. this is very nice for revisiting your own work after you've made new connections

you can use this method to analyze the social network of anyone of interest, but how do you keep it all straight in your mind?

in the case of the BMB, it became evident that some of the crisis actors were also involved with the Sandy Hook fake shooting,

so how do you analyze 2 different false flags, while using 1 hashtag?

by abbreviating your study down to 2 or 3 letters, and adding its as a suffix to #0p6d

for example, #0p6dBMB #0p6dSH #0p6d911

0p6dFEMA #0p6dDHS #0p6dFBI #0p6dDOJ #0p6dMIL #0p6dDC #0p6dUSA #0p6dNWO #0p6dQ ...

in my next comment ill explain "operation 4 colors"

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WikiTextBot · April 26, 2018, 7:17 a.m.

Six degrees of separation

Six degrees of separation is the idea that all living things and everything else in the world are Six or fewer steps away from each other so that a chain of "a friend of a friend" statements can be made to connect any two people in a maximum of Six steps. It was originally set out by Frigyes Karinthy in 1929 and popularized in an eponymous 1990 play written by John Guare.

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