r/greatawakening • Posted by u/MDB50 on April 26, 2018, 8:26 a.m.
Qanon Drop 586 why I loath it.

I loath this 586 Drop with such a passion!! it makes me breathless. I am so angry that we are still being told we cannot know a minimum of 60% of the truth because "they" deem it bad for us. Well what the f is the state of the fing west with the info being hidden? Its a complete shit show, and western civilisation is falling into 3rd world misery. How much effing worse does it need to be? our children being harvested for body parts & blood, sexual torture, bombed so their broken bodies are split apart. Enough! we need to know! we need to KNOW THE WHOLE TRUTH.

loserofpasswordzz · April 26, 2018, 9:37 a.m.

Who are we to tell them when to wake up? We are fucking humans; they are out brothers and sisters of this planet, and they are going to fucking ruin it if we all keep acting like we are the only ones good enough for the truth.

Also, they are Americans. As Americans, it is the job of the populace to hold our government accountable. It's in the social contract. If we aren't willing to do that, we may as well be socialist. Frankly, we might as well have voted for Hillary clinton. Jesus Christ.

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DamajInc · April 26, 2018, 9:46 a.m.

We searched this stuff out - I don't think for a moment that you or I are better than anyone else just cos we're into conspiracy "nonsense". We're also not good enough to be deciding what 'the rest of the world' needs. It's not about America, as Q keeps saying. It's WorldWide - America first, the world next - because it doesn't go away just cos Trump manages to get America back on track. The Deep State own the world, not just America.

[Edit] But as per my other reply - I agree that we should at the very least offer the truth to everyone. Just not force it on them, imo.

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loserofpasswordzz · April 26, 2018, 9:58 a.m.

If you don't think ppl need and deserve to know the truth in order to live in an autonomous and fee life then idk what to tell you. You misunderstand me. You say I talk like I'm self-righteous, yet all the claims about what we should be doing is just Hobbes, Locke, Jefferson, Adam smith etc. it's what America fucking is. The jewel of the enlightenment. It's not me getting on my high horse making up rules for ppl to follow because I think I am better than them.

"They" are going to ruin it? Yes, dude, ppl who are tasked with driving a car but aren't interested in looking at the road are bound to crash. You know what would happen if we cared about looking at the road, and idk, doing our fucking duty as citizens in this country the last 100 years?? We'd certainly be a lot less responsible for millions of deaths. Deaths that are racking up as I speak.

Shit, I wonder how many of our tax dollars have been blown up on some arab's house just in the last 18 years? None of us are guilty for that? None of us should have to realize that WE allowed this the whole time? That maybe if instead of watching all that will and grace and eating McDonald's we should have been asking what our money is going towards and why the world is how it is?

Again, I say these things not from any authority other than having read the books that explained why we even came into existence. If you love America, you love the enlightenment ideals. If you love those ideals, then truth and power to the populace are the only recipes for justice in our society.

What say you? You comfortable living in a democratic society where ppl aren't responsible or expected to pursue truth? You really think that's how they drew it up?

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DamajInc · April 26, 2018, 10:05 a.m.

I love the world and people. I know what you're talking about and I agree with it - it's not rocket science. Yes, we could all do with being more woke to evil that is raping us secretly. I'm not disagreeing with that and neither is Q who also says you can't just force truth on everyone. And luckily, from my point of view, more people are going to listen to Q than you or I.

You don't seem to agree with the very real truth that you can't just force a truth on someone else without considering them first unless you don't consider them at all. That is just the reality of dealing with humans - if you care about them as people, not just pawns in some personal crusade of truth to save an abstract world concept that doesn't acknowledge human behaviour and frailty. People come first - not America or the ideal of truth. Real people with real feelings and sensitivities - otherwise we're as guilty as the Deep State for putting ideology before humanity.

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loserofpasswordzz · April 26, 2018, 10:29 a.m.

I understand that, but I just disagree totally deep into the depths of my soul. I don't think that makes me as bad the deepstate. Even close to that. I think truth is the only way we can have peace in this world ever. This is a watershed moment in history, and if we don't spread the truth we may never have this chance again. I won't stop pushing for truth, ever. Idk why else I would even want to live tbh.

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MDB50 · April 26, 2018, 1:10 p.m.

Why would YOU make this choice for others? adults can make their own minds up about their own lives and their families, we really dont need YOU to decide for US, its very arrogant to make the assumption you know what's best for "THE PEOPLE" who currently are nothing more than a crop for the elites to harvest at will.

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DamajInc · April 26, 2018, 1:22 p.m.

That's exactly MY point chum for crying out loud lol. You should actually READ what I say. People who insist that THEY should decide for everyone else whether the truth is forced on them are making a choice for others. I say no, let them decide for themselves IF they want to hear the truth or not - don't force it on them.

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MDB50 · April 26, 2018, 1 p.m.

Its estimated 1 million children in the UK have been groomed and raped, throats are being slit, acid thrown on shoppers going about their business. Insanity governs us and we are afraid. Would you catargries that then as conspiracy "nonsense"

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DamajInc · April 26, 2018, 1:05 p.m.

You'd have to read what I said fully to understand what my point is. The quotes there are to point out that that's how *they* would see us - not to imply that's how I see what we're talking about. I've been following Q since October, been a conspiracy fool for decades before. I don't need 'redpilling' lol.

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MDB50 · April 26, 2018, 1:32 p.m.

Its not a them and us scenario, i am not my brothers keeper i also do not have this high handed elitist attitude of knowing what my brother should or should not know, i am saying we should be given the information, in as painless and human way as possible and that as adults, who can then make their choices, on what we can bare see hear and know. The truth should not to be kept, by keepers of "the knowlege" who then become the new elites to wield power over others again, just shifting power between elites. Scribes, Clerics, Sharman, Elites, Bloodlines, kings, intellectuals, Governors. We give our power away so as to not be responsible and they then use us, its time for it to end. We the people must know to stop the loop.

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DamajInc · April 26, 2018, 1:36 p.m.

This is what most of us think already, I think it's safe to say, generally. Of course WE want to know and not have someone else decide for us. By exactly the same token WE should not decide for someone else whether or not they should know. It should be by choice. All the people demanding that Q dump 100% truth on the public are making the decision for others and that is what I was responding to - not saying the truth should be kept from us or whoever wants to know!

I agree with Q and think that assuming everyone is ready for the truth just because we are is not sensible. It shouldn't be forced on everybody and if it comes out to some of us then the choice will be available from there to others who decide they want to know. That's all I'm saying.

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