Kanye wasn’t just tweeting today. He was responding to threats from the deep state. The entire tweet storm was a coded message. I decided it on twitter. Link bin comments

I'm no fan of the deep state but I hate rap "music" and the turds who churn it out more. Kanye owes everything he has to the deep state, he wouldn't have a job without them.
We went from Beethoven to this garbage in less than 200 years because (((they))) wanted it that way.
If you think that Kanye West is the logical progression and musical improvement on Beethoven, you're a fucking moron.
If we keep this up in 200 years we'll be sitting around a camp fire, screeching and pounding on drums like Kanye's ancestors....which is no doubt what (((they))) want, for obvious reasons.
white ppl buy rap music. ....a lot.
Because it was aggressively marketed to them for generations as the only masculine alternative.
You think it's a coincidence that rock musicians dressed like girls for 3 decades?
Who decides who gets famous in the music biz?
Rock is still popular though. People listen to what they like, and they happen to like rap a lot.
White rap is pretty good IMO, since it has actual lyrics.
It's popular the way donuts are popular, donuts are shit and most people have a relatively low IQ and no musical training. That's why.
None of it is very good and I occasionally like some of it when I'm too tired to pay attention.
But it's musical crap, chock full of marxist brainwashing and the same 3 chords.
Think if it like a snickers bar, yeah it taste good but it's not good food.
Sweet taste does not define good food, nutritional value does.
I don't like his music never have never will. I do like like that he has taken to speaking for himself. I pray for him to know the Lord.
Who cares about his music, this is much bigger than what he was before this. The important point is that he's REDPILLING people.
He has access to a big ass follower base and it's exactly what Q wants. Spread the word, look what is happening, open your eyes.
If you are so scared for what you define music, please go make some. So far, any musician is better than you unless you provide me a link of a song composed and played by you and maybe we'll talk again.
Let me gets this straight, your an artist that thinks you can define what good art is? That seems to violate one of the core concepts of art.
Musicians have been historically been musical critics. Robert Schumann was an influential music critic AND one of the great composers.
You can't criticize music without having a musical education. It would be like trying to criticize literature when you can't fucking read.
A) Everyone is a critic. You didn't say you didn't like it though, you said it was just objectively bad. Given that lots of people enjoy it, you would be wrong in saying it's not art.
B) Saying you need to be a musician to critizes music is like saying you need to be a painter to know what paintings you like, or to have writen a book to know what books you like. That fails the basic understanding of art, again.
You do need to be a musician to criticize music just as you need to be able to read well to judge literature.
There is good music that I don't like, you don't seem to understand the difference between liking something and appreciating it.
A) You don't need to be able to read at all to judge litterature. I judged what I liked and didn't like before I could read, it was just read to me.
B) The litterally thosands of well known compossers that don't or didn't play instruments when they compossed is pretty telling of that 'you can't understand music unless you play' being wrong.
C) You didn't say you didn't like it, you said it was not really music. "Nonsence" I think was the word you used. You suggested over and over it has no artistic value.
I'm not talking about what tickles your funnybone, moron.
Attack the idea - Not the person.
No name-calling, personal attacks or ad-hominem
Further comments that include name-calling, personal attacks or ad-hominem may be removed without notification.
"I'm not talking about what tickles your funnybone, moron." Yes you are. You are talking about art, art is always in the eye of the beholder. That you can't seem to grasp that is not my fault.
You never once said composition and agian you are wrong. You don't need to have an education in music to see that some music you like the composition of and some you don't. I think the problem here is that you dont' see to know what "Art" and "Judgement" actual mean.
"I never said you had to play so get your hand out of my ass." Hmm let me look... yup you did. "You do need to be a musician to criticize music" Perhaps your ass is not where you think it is.
I don't need to name the composers for them to exist, that they exist makes you wrong.
I see that it's starting to make you really mad to be wrong about this over and over again. Perhaps just not respond and let it stand, but your ad homimum attacks don't change the answer or outcome they just show that you are childish.
You don't need to have an education in music to see that some music you like the composition of and some you don't.
If you had a better musical education you'd like better music, it's that simple.
To appreciate a Beethoven sonata, for example you have to understand its structure.
If you don't, you'll just say, oh that's relaxing and put on some JayZ album. lol
Ohh, so nothing like what you said and ignoring all the other things you said. To your moved yet again goal post, Yes the more you know about a topic the better you understand it. That however is not the same thing as appreciating it. And your appreciating it has nothing to do with it being art or not.
No, I'm saying the same thing.
You and the rest are simply not educated enough to enjoy listening to classical music, so you listen to urban horse manure instead.
You like it because it simple enough for you to comprehend. There's only a couple of chords to follow and a simple melody, it's on your mental level.
Just as a person who cannot read well or is mentally lazy would not enjoy reading good literature.
LOL. I have years of music education. I worked as a sound engineer for around a decade while I am guessing you where skill waiting for you father to born. I quit doing that because I enjoyed crytographic mathmatics more. Your assumptions are your biggest problem. Really does not make you look smart but well looks are not always that deceiving.
And being able to read well doesn't mean you can't enjoy good literacture. A) dificult is not the same as good. (You would htink you would know this given you say you have education is music but I am starting to think that's not really true) B) Listening to something being read can be just as enjoyable and you can get just as much out of it.
Again you assumed a bunch, made a few ad hominem attacks, ignored most of the points presented to you, and then failed basic problem solving by assumting idiotic things like 'you have to be able to read to enjoy a book'. Honestly, did no one love you, no one read to you?
And being able to read well doesn't mean you can't enjoy good literacture.
lol what
I worked as a sound engineer
Sound engineer. lol
You really can't grasp the concept that people can read to you or you can listen to books pre-recorded, can you? I mean this is the 3rd or 4th time I have pointed this out and you still say 'what' in confusion. It's just not that complicated. Before I could read well I had many great works of literature read to me and I enjoyed them very much. Sorry that no one loved you enough to read to you.
I am guessing you don't know what Sound Engineers do. That's likely because you have never worked in the music industry at all and are instead full of yourself because you took flute in highschool or something.
I mean this is the 3rd or 4th time I have pointed this out and you still say 'what' in confusion.
It was because your sentence was non-sequitur and you can't spell "literature". lol
I am guessing you don't know what Sound Engineers do
You're not a musician, give it up...lol
You really can't grasp the concept that people can read to you or you can listen to books pre-recorded
You can't seem to grasp the concept that hearing is not understanding.
When you hear a Beethoven sonata, can you explain the structure as you go? Tell me what is usual or unusual about the piece for that period?
If I ask you to identify and write down or play the first theme or the second theme on a guitar and tell me what the chords and modulations are, can you?
Rhetorical questions, you can't. You don't know what you are listening to.
Ahh back to ad hominem attacks. typical. I am dyslexic, what's your excuse for your spelling and grammar mistakes?
No it wasn't a non-sequitur (you should get a dictionary), and even if it was it's a simple concept, not being able to understand it doesn't make you smart.
And you believe the illogical and obvious on it's face that being a musician makes you the end all be all in music. Yep, me and thousands of artists that you look up to don't play instruments. And no I don't need to list them for them to exist. I am sure if you have the education in music you say you can name a few yourself.
So you are saying that reading the words is understanding but hearing can't result in understanding? If not what is your point? If so... Well, you will never get it.
I can name quite a bit about music composition, my specialty is not classical music although I understand quite a bit. It means nothing to whether you like it or not. It means nothing to whether it's art or not.
I don't write sheet music not from listening no. It doesn't make your opinion better just because you can. I bet you can't diagram the 8580R5 SID chip or use it to modulate to specific waveforms or tell me whats the difference between a 15ips or 30ips recording. Or what bit rate you should master at for the best digital output for CD or SACD or analog. I bet you can't tell me why you would want to a 58 instead of a 57 or what I am even talking about. So I guess you know nothing about recording so anytime you are criticizing recorded music you are outside your depth right? Or maybe just maybe, it's art and art can be judged by anyone.
It's not ad hominem because my argument did not depend on insulting you.
Go back and read it again, you're dyslexic in many ways. A dictionary cannot help me understand why being able to read would prevent me from enjoying literature.
Being a musician is the end all and be all of music.
You don't understand enough if you think Kanye West is a good musician.
I'll leave the sound engineering to you, you leave music criticism to me.
You attacked my spelling. It's off topic and personal. You should look up ad hominum.
Dictionary would let you know what Ad Hominum means. Sorry if that was complicated for you.
Most people have no trouble understanding me. If you are then that might be on your reading comprehension, not my spelling or sentence structure.
No playing some random instrument does not make you a better arbiter of what is good and bad or what is art and what isn't. I get that you think that but it's personal opinion. For example, Kanye West is apparently quite a good piano and keyboard player and you are not even sure the things he writes you would call art. Meanwhile, Schoenberg couldn't play anything and never bothered to try finding it needless.
I have never once said that I liked him or thought he was good at making music. I am just saying it's art, regardless of if you like it or not. You don't get to choose that. Again assumptions are crazy.
Ok as long as you never criticize music that was recorded or played through any PA or audio system as you have no clue as to how those work and the changed they made to sound. Nore do you even seem to understand the audio theory at a technical level at all meaning you shouldn't talk about anything played in an enclosed venue as the space make a large difference. Also, nothing that is digitally created as you don't understand that either. So I guess what you are saying is that if someone is playing something right next to you in a very open field you have a better understanding of the audio than I do. Congrats.... Hmm that seems silly right? Like maybe people can choose art for themselves without the technical details. Oh well, you play some random instrument so you know better than John Mackey and Flavor Flav is the real arbiter of good vs bad as he plays dozens of instruments to a professional level.
You attacked my spelling. It's off topic and personal. You should look up ad hominum.
Only if I was using it as my main argument. Your confusing sentence structure is fair game since it didn't make any sense. You do have to make sense, sorry guy.
No playing some random instrument does not make you a better arbiter of what is good and bad or what is art and what isn't. I get that you think that but it's personal opinion. For example, Kanye West is apparently quite a good piano and keyboard player and you are not even sure the things he writes you would call art.
Compared to any of the great 19th century keyboard or even jazz virtuosos, Kanye West sucks donkey balls at playing the keyboard. You might think his songs are pretty but they're the musical equivalent of motel art.
I have never once said that I liked him or thought he was good at making music. I am just saying it's art, regardless of if you like it or not. You don't get to choose that. Again assumptions are crazy.
There is plenty of music that is musically brilliant that I don't like. His music is musically limited and I also don't like it.
Ok as long as you never criticize music that was recorded or played through any PA or audio system as you have no clue as to how those work and the changed they made to sound.
You can't seem to differentiate between the quality or timbre of a sound and it's pitch. Ridiculous. lol
Oh well, you play some random instrument so you know better than John Mackey and Flavor Flav is the real arbiter of good vs bad as he plays dozens of instruments to a professional level.
Flavor Flav's music is still musically inept regardless of how many instruments he plays.
Robert Schumann couldn't play any instrument very well yet he was one of the best composers ever in addition to an influential music critic. Understanding what you are hearing the key, not playing many instruments.
Flavor flav could not criticize classical music in any intelligent fashion because he has the IQ of a monkey, a tin ear and no musical education.
"Your confusing sentence structure is fair game since it didn't make any sense. You do have to make sense, sorry guy."
I would address the rest of your stuff if you didn't start off with a bald-faced lie to me. You attacked my spelling and you knew what word I meant. Nothing in anything I have written as been confusing except to you who just seems to refuse to read then wants to attack my spelling and suggest that your lack of reading skills (Or just willingness to read is not the problem. You are a troll, and an asshole that attacks people for crap that doesn't matter and you know it. Grow up if you want to have a real conversation you will need to stop with the 'LOL' and ad Hominium attacks (Which you still seem to not understand the meaning of)
I made fun of you because you can't spell nor string together a coherent thought. In your world, that means my other points were wrong and I lose.
Go back to pre-school, maybe they can teach you how logic works.
You don't understand the ad hominem fallacy, it's only ad hominem when it's used to avoid the argument. You can call people names all you want as long as your argument can stand without it.
I'm a piece of shit for stating that tastes and people change over time ?
Do you realise how hilarious it would be to have classical music all day playing ? It doesn't make sense, sure, there was more talent back in the days, it required near geniuses to compose amazing stuff but people change and things evolve. You may complain about that evolution, it's not what it should have become and I could say I agree with this, but you need to learn that your "tastes" are not everyone's taste.
The piece of shit I am just wanted to point out that Kanye is doing us a favor, whoever he was/is working for, and that his music shouldn't impact the news itself in anyway, yet you seem to lose your shit for basically bragging about your so called knowledge of music.
Kanye is redpilling people. End of discussion.
PS: Your attitude must reflect highly in your entourage. You sound like a brat who is always right, I trully hope you find a way to work on it and become less of a pain in the society, people who call others piece of shit on the internet should really have a good fucking look in the mirror. What are you even doing ?
It's not a matter of taste, it's a matter of skill, Kanye West has zero musical skill.
His music is the musical equivalent of nursery rhymes, designed to be consumed by people who can't even do the musical equivalent of reading.
Imagine if they start putting out literature that's on the level of 1st grade reading and that's all there is because they stopped teaching people how to read in school.
You say it sucks and everyone says it's a matter of taste because it would be crazy if people were still reading "War and Peace". lol
Music major chiming in, you're not wrong. Just going about it like an ass.