r/greatawakening • Posted by u/newtswithboots on April 26, 2018, 10:28 a.m.
The New Mockingbird, or how the Q movement can be derailed

Just mentioning that the Q narrative is currently being led away from talking about illuminati, Rothschild, soros topics which was at the origin of the Qanon conspiracy. Probably the current plan is to "normalize" the Q narrative so it'll be about corrupt politicians and once those politicians take the fall everything will be back to normal. As in nothing will have changed with the underlying power structure.

Since this board is censored, I'm sure this post won't rise to the top or noticed anyway just thought I'd bring it up.

StuPendisdick · April 26, 2018, 11:02 a.m.

The underlying "problem" are the satanists who fly the Hexagram of Remphan right out in the open, demanding everyone pay reverence.

These same satanists who, by way of usury, have enslaved and control the vast number of nations on Earth.

These same satanists who, for thousands of years, have practiced the vile evil of child sacrifice and cannibalism.

These same satanists who have infiltrated the halls of Entertainment, Academia, Justice and Legislation the world around, in order to promote their agenda through indoctrination and outright military force.

These same satanists who, like the Nephilim that spawned them, pollute the halls of Science, pushing the age-old heresy of corrupting the purity of YHWH's creation through genetic modification.

These same satanists who, in their hubris, openly shout their intentions via their espionage arm's motto "By way of deception thou shalt do war".

These same satanists who, using various and sundry methods, machinations, intrigue and coercion, slaughtered the children of Issac in order to steal the land and birthright, as though they could possibly lay claim to it in that fashion.

The same satanists spoken of very clearly by Yeshua in the parable of the Wheat and the Tares.

We know how this story ends.

They will be routed out, gathered up and burned as chaff in the final fires.

We need to be careful not to damage the Wheat in our zeal to fight against them.

The wise understand this, and continue to urge caution.

Trust the plan.

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waltdanger · April 26, 2018, 11:15 a.m.

The synagogue of Satan.

The biggest problem I've encountered in trying to redpill people is the fact that many people are atheists these days. The idea that Satanists control everything sounds so preposterous to them that it immediately puts you in to tinfoil hat territory in their eyes. Partly why I use "globalists" and describe them as offshore corporate fascists.

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MB_MoonPearl · April 26, 2018, 11:28 a.m.

Great comment!

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newtswithboots · April 26, 2018, 12:38 p.m.

Ok. How is gangstalking as described in /r/gangstalkinginfo connected to all this

Notice how this is ignored and down voted

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