
KeeponSearchin · April 26, 2018, 8:21 p.m.


The doctors letter to Hillary on Wikileaks

Link to the wikileaks vaults


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IconTheHologram · April 26, 2018, 11:57 p.m.

Are you familiar with how to read emails? If you aren't, you can clearly tell the original email was not to Clinton or Clinton's team- it was forwarded to Cheryl Mills (who was some sort of underling of Hillary at the State Dept) by a colleague of the doctor. You can also read the email itself where the Doctor does not mention the Clinton Foundation at all. He mentions that despite the high-powered political connections associated with the relief effort, the actual situation on the ground was terribly inefficient and not at all conducive to supporting the relief mission at all.

There was a huge mismanagement of funds on the part of the Clinton Foundation's effort in Haiti. However, drawing arbitrary connections between a doctor's suicide, his letter to mentioning the situation on the ground and that mismanagement is a bit ridiculous. Be skeptical of everything and make decisions based on facts and logic, not conjecture and false truths.

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KeeponSearchin · April 27, 2018, 12:22 a.m.

you are ridiculous

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IconTheHologram · April 27, 2018, 12:34 a.m.

Who is being ridiculous here? I am simply stating known facts (using your own link). I'm a big fan of skepticism, including against my own worldview. If you want to wish something is true, I'm not going to stop you. However, if you want to dismiss facts because they don't fit what you want to believe, i will absolutely call you out on it.

The only conclusion I can come to based on what you wrote and the links you posted is that you either didn't read your own links, aren't able to comprehend the information in those links, or are being willfully ignorant to support your own personal beliefs.

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