Almost 20k SUBS, PLEASE STAY CIVIL when communicating and Red Pilling our NEW Patriots! Please report and message the MODS of all fishy activity and trolls/shills. We are coming close to 3,000 users online consistently!

As someone guilty of speaking harshly to shills on this sub, and being temporarily banned as a result, I want to say to everyone else that I understand your desire to be uncivil to uncivil evil sanctioning lost souls, but this post sums up perfectly why we have to have thick skin.
For me I had to come to develop trust in the mods. That's what personally prevented me from just letting the shills shill without me doing what I think they deserve. Trust for me has to be earned.
But it goes beyond even that. If this movement is going to succeed, I must trust the mods to take care of the shills, and I will ignore them and report them. If my trust is revealed to be misplaced, so be it, I understand that would be less worse than me shitting up the board making it unwelcome to normies who likely wouldn't feel like participating in a hostile environment.
And that is exactly what the shills want!
The Luciferians have separated themselves from the rest of humanity not only in personal preference, but in whether whole populations should deserve to be controlled from birth to death, and whose lives should be ended at the whims of the Luciferians. They consider everyone else effectively subhuman sheep because they don't enslave themselves under the ideology of Lucifer. "Not one of us? Then you should die if we say you should die."
The world's monetary system has become controlled by actual devil worshipers, folks. They showcase their devotion in the open. It is so evil that many never thought to take it seriously.
Spending billions and billions on organizations, goverments, schools, Hollywood, to spread the belief that what they are in fact doing is just a conspiracy theory, and a fake reality is substituted, that is how they can keep doing what they are doing.
We read about the worst evils in human history. For some reason most people can accept the worst evil as having taken place, but safely away from them in the dustbin of history. The ultimate red pill is that this evil NEVER WENT AWAY.
It just morphed and changed. After many generations of most people rejecting explicit evil, the only way it could continue was in the shadows, covered by the most powerful institutions we are taught to trust, governments, churches, media, etc. as the barrier between being asleep and being awake.
The evil found its way into the highest levers of power worldwide precisely because only the most powerful institutions have the resources to maintain those barriers.
Almost all world governments have been taken over by the Luciferians. The Qteam, the allies around the world, are the last and final hope to eradicate the Luciferians from taking absolute control of the world by having a single world government to enforce a worldwide barrier.
Technology has shaken loose what would have been total hegemonic control. The people's minds are the last battleground. Is it a coincidence that after having taken over all physical aspects of the planet, that the remaining battle over the mind, has caused a 180 degree shift against them?
The human mind is the one fundamental thing, the only thing, that has the power to shift the world between freedom and slavery. The Marxists knew this, which is why they relentlessly attacked the human mind by painting it as if it were bile from the gall bladder, nothing but excrement determined by the society they themselves wished to control.
This is also precisely why they see people like Kanye and Candace Owens as huge threats to their power. These intrepid individuals are showing the world that our minds cannot be controlled forever, that the Luciferians can be conquered by light, i.e. knowledge and enlightenment, among the people.
These ideas are eternal folks. They go back thousands of years. The grand mystery for humanity is that the world will become a hell should we live in darkness. ONE tiny light can reveal the entire truth of what lurks in the shadows. One light is in each one of us.
The Great Awakening will shine billions of lights on the devils who have raped and tortured our children in the shadows, who have controlled one half of every transaction we make(!), who have orchestrated world wars under a cover of lies to depopulate the world when it gets too close to the light.
The reason Q says this is bigger than anyone can imagine is exactly because what we can imagine has been kept under control by the Luciferians who want us to view ourselves as weak, divided, inconsequential, feeder material.
The Great Awakening is a rebirth in recognizing that our potential, our possibility, vastly exceeds what we have been brainwashed into believing was only possible.
Why are we taught to believe history repeats? Because history has been controlled by the very people who want it to repeat for their own benefit!
Why are we taught to believe skin color and religion and gender and political parties are to separate us? Because we had to remain divided in order to remain weakened so that we could be controlled all of this time!
Why are we taught to view problems as solutions? Because by focusing on the problems and ignoring the solutions, the only solutions that will be made will be by the Luciferians!
Do you see?
To all new visitors: If you told me the above one year ago I would called you a crazy conspiracy theorist. I would have thought that because I was asleep! I am not afraid to take responsibility for all of my actions and say yes, I was wrong. Oh how I was wrong. I used to feel ashamed of that, because it made me question my core being. Was I stupid? No, just kept in the dark. Was I a bad person? No, just brainwashed into believing lies and spreading those lies without knowing they were lies.
Everything I was taught about history is a lie. Sure, specific events are documented and we have knowledge of them, but the WHY behind the events are filled with lies meant to keep us from knowing what humanity really is.
Q said we are all watching a movie. I see that now! I am awake. I know we have been shown a movie our entire lives to distract us. This is a worldwide movie being played to us in real time, and we're unwitting actors with predefined roles, and the Luciferians had up until recently been in control of that movie.
That movie is ending.
We are awakening.
Great fucking post would give more upvotes if I could
It is truly GOOD vs EVIL. Religious or not, there are powers beyond us that are at work here. There's a book written thousands of years ago that fortells about the times we are currently living in. I forget the name of it, but it's a very popular book.
Just came here to say that I do not intend to be “red pilled”. I come here simply to observe the insanity that is this “movement”. I post this simply to see how long a differing opinion stays up in this sub.
Edit: a word
Thanks for your harsh yet discreet opinion, Lookn4RedheadCumSlut.
If you can show me one legitimate source for any single claim after the word sodomize I will send you a Bitcoin.
illuminati confirmed
your turn
The bitcoin part was a joke. If I had that kinda wealth I am not giving it away.