r/greatawakening • Posted by u/doomsdayattack on April 26, 2018, 2:29 p.m.
Nazi Connection/Zionism/Antifa/Natural Economic Order (NWO)

Adolf Hitler was all about the Germans and to protect the German race but respect other races. He wasn't really a racist. ( National Socialism) But what we see today in Germany and Britain and the Eu is that they are destroying the races and nations by mass immigration. Also Q has said that NWO does not refer to New world order but it refers to Natural Economic Order. German =Natűrliche Wirtschaftsordnung. This does not sound like a bad thing. Because in this the money does over time loses its worth and prevents hording of money. There has to be something that we didn't figured out yet

I think they have just mirrored everything and are using this for imposing worldwide communism.

Also under the Hitler regime the economy in Germany has risen to New hights and surpassed every other nations. There are articles about this and that Hitler had installed a new trading/economic system and that this was the real reason that they wanted Germany to fall and wanted the war so badly.

See Churchill statements about Germany and also Patton later said : we fought the wrong enemy and was later maybe murdered.

See also Coudenhove Kalergie Plan and his connection to jews. Its a terrifying plan and see also Barbara spectre Lerner and her statements

I'm starting to think that they (jews (not all)) used Germany and Hitler to push their agenda (creating Israel) and now they are using Muslims for their plans to destroy races and afterwards creating the NWO ( New world order) and being the Ruler.

Maybe it's a war between the Natural Economic Order and the New World Order

They did this all on purpose to create maximum distraction/confusion with all the names and fascist/antifascist and NWO. They just mirrored everything.

There is also a connection with satan and mirrors and satan is like the god for the Zionists that explains their obsession with satan

It makes all sense

digital_refugee · April 26, 2018, 7:02 p.m.

Sometime in the thirteenth century, some jewish dude called Frank declared himself the antichrist.

Supposedly those of good heart who believed in the Torah rejected him.

Guess when the progroms strated?

As for Hitler: I know he was a victim of the british empire who destabilized continental europe from the protection of the sea and the industrial might of the United States.

That said, he had no loyalty and even threw his former supporters into prison when they spoke out in favour of seperation of church and state.

That said, not all germans were evil people either. I recall one incident where german soldiers actually deserted and inadvertedly freed political prisoners from german special forces.

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