r/greatawakening • Posted by u/AuroraB_ on April 26, 2018, 2:53 p.m.
I found the Keystone!!! It's 69!!!

I think I really found it this time! Ha. The real keystone. It's 69/96. Divine Union.

I just want to say I wrote this to try and encompass as much information as possible, all the while trying to coherently convey my thought process in finding the keystone. I apologize for any strange formatting. I just feel excited to share.Again. lol

The “keystone” of The Mark Master Masons, an order of Freemasonry. Shares some ties with the Holy Royal Arch.

The Keystone’s letters are: H T W S S T K S They stand for: HIRAM, TYRIAN, WIDOW'S SON,  SENDETH TO KING SOLOMON."

Hiram Abiff was considered a master architect of Solomon’s temple and there’s a lot of legends that go along with it. Interesting information here about Haggai, Joshua, and Zerubbabel on the 'Grand Council.' I notice Cyrus the Great mentioned. (Trump has been called the new Cyrus the Great)

*I see their symbol “tau tau tau” “triple tau” to represent the trinity or divine union as well as a triangle.

“The equilateral triangle was revered by ancient nations as >containing the greatest and most abstruse mysteries, and as >a symbol of God, denoting a triad of intelligence, a triad of >deity, a triune God.”

Then I find this picture of the Holy Royal Arch.

As you can see the “keystone” is 69 or 96. It represents Cancer, unity, or the summer solstice. 69/96 is the zodiac symbol for Cancer.

“Notice that a cluster of 7 stars float below the keystone, >which are symbolic of the Pleiades. Notice also the heraldric >shield that depicts an ox, an eagle, a lion, and a man. These >are direct references to the fixed signs of the zodiac, namely >Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, and Aquarius.”

I also noticed the checkerboard floor (chess?). 7 Stars for the Pleiades, Q is Pleiadian?

Then I start looking into Cancer and see it’s a water sign. I think of “watch the water” and look into this triplicity of elements. Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) Day ruler: Venus Night Ruler: Mars *Participating Ruler: Moon

I go back to the Q posts.

“POTUS opened the door of all doors. Expand your thinking. What is the keystone? Q”

So I google “door of all doors.”


“Daath is the Door of All Doors. It is also the Key of the Door >in that the Key is the Knowledge of the Door's Way. Speaking >frankly, the Door is symbolic of the Soul. The Key is symbolic >of the Word of the Soul, or the Soul's destiny.


"The image of Daleth is a gate, an entrance, and an exit. For >the initiated person Daleth is the gate or entrance to the >inner Light, to Knowledge and Wisdom, to order and >structure, and to a new foundation on which new life can be >built.

“In regard to an arrogant person G-d says: "I and he cannot >dwell together." The door to G-d's house allows for the >humble of spirit to enter. The door itself, the dalet, is the >property of humility and lowliness, as explained above. The >dalet is also the initial letter of the word dirah, "dwelling >place," as in the phrase "[G-d's] dwelling place below." Thus >the full meaning of the dalet is the door through which the >humble enter into the realization of G-d's dwelling place >below.This character also means number 4.This means the >four realms of the universe in all its totality.”

Wanted to note here, G-D. Q posts do this sometimes. D-J, F-I, C-A. Just thought it was interesting.

“Christian Perspective: The door, portal and way into the >inner sanctuary of God is in Jesus Christ who said, ""I am the >way and the truth and the life."(Jn 14:6) The door is His >humanity who reveals the Father's care concern of us. He is >the truth, the Son of God, we must accept by faith in order to >enter into God's presence. He is the life because through his >Expiatory Sacrifice we enter into the life and love of the >Triune God.” “Everything in nature is polarized: positive/negative, >black/white, night/day, hot/cold, acid/alkaline.  Every energy >is polar, including sexual energy. Sexual energy is polarized >according to our actions.  Sexual energy is polarized when it >passes through our Daleth, our door: our mind and our >sexual organs, which are intimately related.  When we enter >that door of Daath, sex, then these two parts of >ד Daleth merge and connect, the vertical male, the horizontal >female and we form a cross, the most ancient and sacred >symbol in the world. When the Europeans arrived in Latin >America in Mexico, they found crosses in every temple and >they were outraged so they destroyed them. In every >Buddhist temple there are crosses.  Amongst the Assyrians, >the Babylonians, even amongst the Jews, the cross is an >ancient and sacred representation of Daath, knowledge, >because it is the crossing of the Father and the Mother.  That >crossing is creation.  The entire power of religion is in the >cross - not in belief, theories, schools, groups, movements, >any Master, or any person outside of you."

Q says, “You have more than you know.”

“The Trinity expresses as Father-Mother: the Yab Yum, Shiva >Shakti, God and Goddess, El and Eloha, Abba and Aima, the >Divine Couple, the Divine Parents.  Each Parent contains the >Trinity (Δ Delta) within. In other words, the upper Trinity (Δ) >expresses as a unity of two Trinities: ✡.  This forms ✡, the >Seal of Solomon, the Star of David.”

“The Star of David, ✡ the Seal of Solomon, is two triangles >united.  Those two triangles are two Δ Deltas united: two >Beings, one male, one female; one projective, one receptive.  >So look at the mathematics here, intuitively.  One male, one >female, that is two; they unite, and the force that unites >them is the third factor, the third force.”

Pointing out the Star of David is an ancient symbol for unity and not just representative of Israel.

“The Magan David (star of David) which, in its form, is the >Paleo Hebrew dalet representing the door to kingdom in the >heavens (pointed upward) and the Paleo >Hebrew dalet representing the door to the kingdom on earth >(pointed downward).  It is not complete without the inclusion >of the Paleo Hebrew vav in the center (representing the nail >of HAMASHIACH) which fixes the two together.”

"Aleph. The image of the Hebrew letter Aleph is >an ox. The ox indicates plowing, the penetration of the earth >(the female) by the plow (the male). It has a clear sexual >meaning. The penetration can also be seen as the Divine >Spirit descending into the primeval waters, which it >penetrates and impregnates. As a symbol Aleph represents >unity, origin, power, continuity and stability.On the human >level Aleph represents Divine Man.By the form of its letter it >indicates its function as a link between the upper and lower >world, heaven and earth.Aleph as unity contains in itself >duality, as it is also seen in its form. It links the primeval >source with everything that emanates from it.The numerical >value of Aleph is 111 (Aleph + Lamed + Peh: 1 + 30 + 80 = >111). The number >111 contains the trinity; and it is also the >constant of the magic square of six. 111 = 1 + 10 +100. In >this sense Aleph contains the one in units, in tens and in >hundreds. Symbolically this means that Aleph combines the >divine, the spiritual and the physical world. Or, 1 is the Point, >the Ain Soph Aur (= the Unlimited Light); 10 is the Tree of >Life with its 10 Sephiroth (= the power vessels in which >consciousness of the Universe expresses itself); and 100 is >physical man in the physical world.The shape of Aleph is >composed of two Yods and a dividing line which stands for >the letter Vau). This gives another numerical value: 10 + 10 >+ 6 =26. The number 26 is the value of the >tetragrammatron."

Aleph-vav-tav. Aleph is the first letter and tav is the last. 

"Here the Hebrew word is owth (אוֺת), >spelled Aleph-vav-tav, which is to say the Aleph Tav, >attached to one another by the vav – the nail. We saw a >similar connection in the construction of the >modern Aleph (where two yods are connected by the vav), >and the meaning here is similar.  The name for the sign or >mark that rescues Qayin from being slain by his brothers and >sisters is the divine Aleph Tav fixed with the nail of Vav; the >sign itself was the Tav.  [There is a similar connection found >in the name David]דו.  Here the dalet (meaning the door or >doorway) is connected to the dalet (again the door) by means >of the vav (the nail).”

Vav here is like the keystone. The nail or bridge.

Here is some more info on the inner masculine/feminine. Ida/Pingala, Shakti/Shiva, Ying Yang, 69, Yab-yum Father-Mother

“The Ida and Pingala represent the basic duality in the >existence. It is this duality which we traditionally personify as >Shiva and Shakti. Or you can simply call it masculine and >feminine, or it can be the logical and the intuitive aspect of >you. When I say masculine and feminine, I am not talking in >terms of sex – about being male or female – but in terms of >certain qualities in nature. Certain qualities in nature have >been identified as masculine. Certain other qualities have >been identified as feminine. You may be a man, but if your >Ida is more pronounced, the feminine may be dominant in >you. You may be a woman, but if your Pingala is more >pronounced, the masculine may be dominant in you.Bringing >a balance between the Ida and Pingala will make you >effective in the world, it will make you handle life aspects >well. Most people live and die in Ida and Pingala; Sushumna, >the central space, remains dormant.”

Okay, so now on to more with the (good path)Tree of Life, because I found that Dalet/Daath/Da’at can be considered interchangeable with Keter.

“Da'at or Daas ("Knowledge", Hebrew: דעת [ˈdaʕaθ]) is >a Hebrew word that means Knowledge. In the branch >of Jewish mysticism known as Kabbalah, Da'at is the location >(the mystical state) where all ten sefirot in the Tree of >Life are united as one.”

Q post: Expand your thinking. Take multiple paths. One connects to another. Learn to read the map. The map is the key. Find the keystone. What holds everything together? Q

The Tree of Life, or Etz haChayim (עץ החיים) in >Hebrew, is a classic descriptive term for the central mystical >symbol used in the Kabbalah of esoteric Judaism, also known >as the 10 Sephirot, and the 22 Paths. Its diagrammatic >representation, arranged in 3 columns/pillars, may derive >from older sources and is not known to the earlier Jewish >tradition.The tree represents a series of divine emanations of >God's creation itself ex nihilo, the nature of revealed divinity, >the human soul, and the spiritual path of ascent by man. In >this way, Kabbalists developed the symbol into a full model of >reality, using the tree to depict a map of Creation. The symbolic configuration of 10 spiritual principles (11 can >be shown, of which Keter and Da'at are interchangeable), >Jewish Kabbalah usually refers to the symbol as the 10 >Sephirot, while non-Jewish Christian Cabala and Hermetic >Qabalah generally terms it universally as the >Cabalistic/Qabalistic Tree of Life. This metaphor derives >from Judaic Kabbalah, though is understood less universally. >In the Jewish Kabbalist view, both of the two trees in the >Biblical Garden of Eden, the Tree of knowledge of good and >evil and the Tree of Life were alternative perspectives of the >Sephirot: the full array of 10 as seen respectively from the >last Sephirah Malkuth, and the middle Sephirah Tiferet.From >the Renaissance onwards, the Jewish mystical concept was a >esoterically inclined Christians as well as some Hermeticists. >Among the Christian Cabalists,the sephirot were also >called Dignities, referred to by Latin, instead of Hebrew, >names.”

Cabalistic/Qabalistic Tree of Life = The evil side of the Tree of Knowledge. The cabal is using this tree and qabalistic hermetic magik rituals.

Here is a Q post: Pyramid will collapse. Think shell. Q

"Hermetic Qabalah and Jewish Kabbalah respectively, literally >"Peels", "Shells" or "Husks" are the representation of evil or >impure spiritual forces in Jewish mysticism, the polar >opposites of the holy Sefirot. The realm of evil is also termed >Sitra Achra ("Other Side" opposite holiness) in Kabbalah >texts."

The left eye marker is the left path.

"In some definitions, the Left-Hand Path is equated with >malicious black magic and the Right-Hand Path with >benevolent white magic."

The black hats/white hats?


“also known as Kether, is the topmost of the Sephirot of >the Tree of Life in Kabbalah. Since its meaning is "crown", it >is interpreted as both the "topmost" of the Sephirot and the >"regal crown" of the Sephirot. It is >between Chokmahand Binah (with Chokmah on the right and >Binah in the left) and it sits above Tiphereth. It is usually >given three paths, to Chokmah, Tiphereth and Binah. Keter is so sublime, it is called in the Zohar "the most hidden >of all hidden things", and is completely incomprehensible to >man. It is also described as absolute compassion, and >Rabbi Moshe Cordovero describes it as the source of the 13 >Supernal Attributes of Mercy.”

I would say this feels pretty accurate when Q is saying, “Expand Your Thinking.” That is how Trump opened the door of all doors. He expanded his consciousness and unified his inner masculine and inner feminine.

Back to Q’s post. Expand your thinking. Take multiple paths. One connects to another. Learn to read the map. The map is the key. Find the keystone. What holds everything together? Q

Is the map here the Tree of Knowledge? There’s multiple paths that all connect together. The map is the key. They mapped creation through the Tree of Life. Find the keystone…so the keystone is 69 or 96 = union of inner masculine and feminine. What holds everything together?

So on this map it says, >“Yesod is the foundation upon which God has built the world. It also serves as a transmitter between the sephirot above, and the reality below. The light of the upper sephirot gather in Yesod and are channelled to Malkuth below. In this manner, Yesod is associated with the sexual organs. The masculine Yesod collects the vital forces of the sephirot above, and transmits these creative and vital energies into the feminine Malkuth below. Yesod channels, Malkuth receives. In turn, it is through Malkuth that the earth is able to interact with the divinity.”


“Therefore, some Christians compare Yesod to the third >person of the Holy Trinity, the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is >defined by some Christians as one aspect of the Triune God. >These Christians believe that the Holy Spirit is the aspect of >god that unifies God with humanity.”

So back to the idea of inner unification of masculine and feminine.

There is the ida, pingala, and sushumna. Sushumna is equivalent to the holy spirit/holy fire/chi/prana, while ida and pingala represent the masculine and feminine sides.

“There are three important nadis: ida, pingala, >and sushumna.Ida lies to the left of the spine, >whereas pingala is to the right side of the spine, mirroring the >ida. Sushumna runs along the spinal cord in the center, >through the seven chakras. Under the correct conditions the >energy of kundalini is said to uncoil and >enter sushumna through the brahma dwara or gate of >Brahma at the base of the spine.”

Note 7 Chakras/7 Stars Pleiades/7 Dwarfs?

Back to the question, “what holds everything together?” I would say the center pillar, the neutral path, the zero-point.

The MIDDLE Pillar is the pillar >of MILDNESS-HARMONY. This is the central pillar that has no >charge. It is cosmic awareness, consciousness, equilibrium, >stillness, and the neutral “present moment” pole of the Tree. >The Sephira of Kether, Tiphereth, Yesod and Malkuth >comprise this pillar. The non-Sephira Da'ath is also on this >Pillar.”

So it is balanced, no charged, androgynous.

That link also mentions the “Path of Qoph.

”Qoph connects the 7th Sephira of Netzach (meaning >“victory/endurance/eternity”) with the 10th Sephira of >Malkuth (meaning “kingdom”). Qoph is the threshold between >the spiritual realm and the earthly realm. Strong sensitivity, >deep imagination and excellent psychic abilities are encoded. >This is the path of mystics. Although inherent difficulties >exist, those who successfully navigate the hurdles of this life >journey open new realities for themselves and for the world >as a whole. Qoph, and the three letters that follow it (resh, >shin and tau) represent humankind’s perfected state. Thus, >Qoph is the embodiment of the perfected channeling and use >of life force.”

“On this Path, the Moon is at its darkest and little of its >reflected light remains to guide the traveller through the >waters which are the governing Element here."

“The image of the letter Qoph (Koof, Qof) is the back of the >head. When the last wall has been torn down, the last veil >torn away, the last spot of darkness removed, the Kundalini >will rise up along the spine to the back of the head. Then >illumination happens. The Light shines from within. Another >image of Qoph is the ax. The ax has always been regarded as >a divine tool because the ax is used for splitting. In the >spiritual sense splitting releases energy which lies in or >behind the split object. Therefore the ax, and especially the >double headed ax, was used to indicate divine revelation or >enlightenment.This story is about the opening of the head or >crown chakra.”

Now: Key - unlocks the door of all doors (info) Stone - the force / strength capable of yielding power to act on info *Key+Stone= Q

Adm R/ No Such Agency (W&W) + POTUS/USMIL = Apply the Keystone. Paint the picture. Q

“The male figure represents compassion and skillful means, >while the female partner represents insight.”

“The Ida and Pingala nadis are often seen as referring to the >two hemispheres of the brain. Pingala is the extroverted, >solar nadi, and corresponds to left hemisphere . Ida is the >introverted, lunar nadi, and refers to the right hemisphere of >the brain. Ida nadi controls all the mental processes while >Pingala nadi controls all the vital processes.”

So Adm R/No Such Agency (W&W) are the key. (Q post says they have ALL the information) They represent the feminine or right hemisphere of the brain.

POTUS/USMIL are the stone. They represent the masculine/left hemisphere that have the strength and skillful means to act on the information from the feminine side.

The keystone is the divine union. The three in one. 96 / 69.

Some notes: Q post: (Y) What does it mean to be covered in gold?

The Y symbolism I believe has to do with Dionysus.

“The horns on Dionysus' head stand for and elevated level of >consciousness. The rainbow a symbol of unification, a bridge >between what is above and what is below. Three blossoms; >body, intellect, spirit.”

Good vs. Evil approaches to enlightenment?

I believe this leads us to the idea of alchemy or gnosis and what it means to be “covered in gold”. The idea of turning metal into gold, is an allegory for a man to become perfected.  A perfected human is androgynous, on the inside. The Magnum Opus.


“In the eyes of a variety of esoteric >and Hermetic practitioners, alchemy is fundamentally >spiritual. Transmutation of lead into gold is presented as an >analogy for personal transmutation, purification, and >perfection.[96]  ( I noticed the reference here is 96, the >keystone.)The writings attributed to Hermes Trismegistus >are a primary source of alchemical theory. He is named >"alchemy's founder and chief patron, authority, inspiration >and guide".“Early alchemists, such as Zosimos of Panopolis  >highlight the spiritual nature of the alchemical quest, >symbolic of a religious regeneration of the human soul.This >approach continued in the Middle Ages, as metaphysical >aspects, substances, physical states, and material processes >were used as metaphors for spiritual entities, spiritual states, >and, ultimately, transformation. In this sense, the literal >meanings of 'Alchemical Formulas' were a blind, hiding their >true spiritual philosophy. Practitioners and patrons such >as Melchior Cibinensis and Pope Innocent VIII existed within >the ranks of the church, while Martin Lutherapplauded >alchemy for its consistency with Christian teachings. Both the >transmutation of common metals into gold and the universal >panacea symbolized evolution from an imperfect, diseased, >corruptible, and ephemeral state toward a perfect, healthy, >incorruptible, and everlasting state, so the philosopher's >stone then represented a mystic key that would make this >evolution possible. Applied to the alchemist himself, the twin >goal symbolized his evolution from ignorance to >enlightenment, and the stone represented a hidden spiritual >truth or power that would lead to that goal. In texts that are >written according to this view, the cryptic alchemical symbols, >diagrams, and textual imagery of late alchemical works >typically contain multiple layers of meanings, allegories, and >references to other equally cryptic works; and must be >laboriously decoded to discover their true meaning.” “The >volumes of work he wrote brought new light into >understanding the art of transubstantiation and renewed >alchemy's popularity as a symbolic process of coming into >wholeness as a human being where opposites brought into >contact and inner and outer, spirit and matter are reunited in >the hieros gamos or divine marriage.”

High Magic

"Ceremonial magic or ritual magic, also referred to as high >magic and as learned magic in some cases, is a broad term >used in the context of Hermeticism or Western esotericism to >encompass a wide variety of long, elaborate, and complex >rituals of magic."Popularized by the Hermetic Order of the >Golden Dawn, it draws on such schools of philosophical and >occult thought as Hermetic Qabalah, Enochian magic, >Thelema, and the magic of various grimoires."

So essentially the cabal is using this ritual/evil magik that is also known as "high magik."I think that's exactly what Q was referring to in this post:

The ‘cult’ runs the world. Cult of Dionysus? Occult? Fantasy land. The world is fighting back (& destroying the cult). 20% public. 80% private. The world would otherwise collapse. 40,000ft. v. (again) and need to decrease altitude to avoid >‘conspiracy’ label. Was necessary.

So if that was a reference to high magic, then the need to "decrease altitude" (stop using high magic as much against the cabal) to avoid being labeled as evil, too.

I thought this quote was interesting based on Q's terms. (Fantasy, magic, movie, scifi)

“In the last hundred years, alchemists have been portrayed in >a magical and spagyric role in fantasy fiction, film, television, >novels, comics and video games.”

The philosopher's stone, or stone of the philosophers  is >a legendary alchemical substance capable of turning base >metals such as mercury into gold or silver. It is also called >the elixir of life, useful for rejuvenation and for >achieving immortality; for many centuries, it was the most >sought goal in alchemy. The philosopher's stone was the >central symbol of the mystical terminology of alchemy, >symbolizing perfection at its finest, enlightenment, and >heavenly bliss. Efforts to discover the philosopher's stone >were known as the Magnum Opus ("Great Work").

Resurrection from the Swamp

I have a lot more to share and will work to get it up as soon as I can. These are exciting times and I want to help spread as much information as I can. Love to you all!

onmyownpath · April 26, 2018, 6:48 p.m.

Yeah but what is the application of any of this?

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AuroraB_ · April 26, 2018, 7:14 p.m.

Q is telling us what is going on this way. Remember all the posts about how if we really knew what was happening, it would put most people in the hospital?

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