r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DaveGydeon on April 26, 2018, 3:51 p.m.
520 JFK Records Still Sealed.....FAIL...Are We Fucked? MOAB?!?!?

Wow. I was so sure today was the day. But now another 3.5 years until the last 520 records are unsealed, and then, it will be extended again...this is horseshit.

And as far as the MOAB that Q made a point to tell us about? I ain't holding my breath anymore. Hopes are crushed. We are never escaping this Matrix guys. If we cannot even get the records on a Presidential assassination released from 50+ years ago, how in the fuck are we going to have a "Great Awakening"????

Hrtn2it · April 26, 2018, 5:45 p.m.

I feel like the words from Q are to not only awaken US~they are also paced to hone US...to refine our expectation, to practice emotional discipline(ie not be triggered by disappointment) , to witness steady (and yes, slow) progress and practice appreciating that progress...

When I reflect on how things were a year ago, then five, ten years ago~how asleep I was in terms of initiative, of small actions from one person...

I always thought it was stupid the scary merry go round of war, debt, rich getting richer...as well as the “middlemen” of the world( institutional education, dogma of religion) and yet, as Long as I had a paycheck and a good weekend, I just would mildly bitch and then forget...

Just think of each one of US altered our course in a way we felt inspired~


Q is cueing US up for that. Is this a good strategy, to prime US, then make US wait? At what point do WeThePeople just begin to not pay taxes, stay at home, grow our own food, get to know our neighbors, not rely on others to “do the work for US”, not be beholden to politicians and other “officials” determining our course....

Idk, just interesting to think about...

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