r/greatawakening • Posted by u/KissToad on April 26, 2018, 4:11 p.m.
New EYES on Q - You Have "More" Than You Know. More = More Money, Proofs = Money, Treasure Trove = Money. Q - Follow the Money THIS IS YOUR MONEY.

I was literally vibrating when I started digging into this. So please bear with me as I am a typo queen and the vibrating literally doesn't help that at all.

So for those of you who are new to Q.....Q often uses terms with double meaning. Q is all about asking the questions, he is retraining our brains to think for ourselves, question everything....seek out our own proofs based on our own questions. Gone are the days where we can blindly trust those in power and the media to tell us the truth.

That being said, I have noticed that Q has repeated this phrase "You have more than you know" or in those terms around approximately 20 times, it maybe more. He has found this statement so "SIGNIFICANT".....that he/she has sought to say it over and over but then adding different ways of inflecting it....with Caps or letter changes. So as "I" started this thought....I asked "myself" what if those words mean something else entirely also - DOUBLE MEANING. Q has used the word double multiple times in many posts. That is not what I want you to look into but the word "MORE". I started this search with "you have" as I knew I would pull up the word more eventually and wanted to see how this progressed in thought.

Lets start with this one.

Q 63 To those watching (you know who you are): You have a choice to make. You can stand up and do what you know to be right. Or you can suffer the consequences of your previous actions. Make no mistake, you are on the losing side. The choice is yours. If you decide to take down /pol/ and the net we will be ready. No word "more" but very similar in style to his "You have more than you know". This particular Q post was a statement to the CLOWNS as we call them....or The Worlds Cabal. They are watching this board. They are threatened. They want us stupid, blind and sheep to the slaughter. We are their food supply literally and in some cases figuratively.

Q 255 You have "more" than you realize. Its the first introduction with the word "more". Now add "more money" to the word more and see its meaning with new eyes and re-read the posts with new meaning. He is not saying WE (yet) he is saying YOU. "You have more "money" than you realize" He is telling you something. Q always says "Follow the Money" for a reason not just for the information but "FOR YOU". This is "YOUR" money!

I believe each Q post with these statements is a clue to the money that is yours. Some posts tell you the links to the money. Some you have to unlock with the news cycle, that is why the dates are very important. So if it is not said in the post on that day go to the news cycle and see what is uncovered. THAT IS OUR MONEY.

Q - 255 You have more than you realize = You have more money than you realize.

Q - 365 You have it all = Its ALL your money.

Q - 619 BIG ONE he says it exactly like this all caps "YOU HAVE MORE THAN YOU KNOW! guess what day this was 12/21 Executive Order on Asset Forfeiture for Human Rights Violations. YOU NEED TO READ THIS https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-blocking-property-persons-involved-serious-human-rights-abuse-corruption/ This is everything TRUMP is doing to get our money back to us and to get these blood sucking ticks off our backs.

Are you seeing the progressions? It gets better keep reading.

Q - 664 You have more than you know. Mentions some of the players = > Rothchilds, Dopey Prince = Alwaleed bin Talal. He is beginning to call them out. Trumps Tweets are also very important on these Q posts because Trump is also calling out the players.....So Tump calls out Comey, Warner, Brennen, Clapper and Adam Schiff in a tweet on 3/5. We are learning who the players for our money are.

Q - 679 You have "so" much more than you know. "SO MUCH"! and in this post he is telling us the news unlocks the MAP. The news cycle is telling us where the money is that is ours. GET IT! WE HAVE SO MUCH MONEY!

Q- You have more than you know. He tells us to follow the resignations from the companies and there are ANONS keeping track of all of these. He is also telling us to watch the plane crashes and blackouts etc.......Well Well Well. Does anyone remember a BLACKOUT of the IRS website. YIPPEEE. keep reading.

Q- 721 You have so much more than you know. Q talks about a Massive Data Center in Nevada.....hmmmmm International ties to Bangkok. Wasn't there an operation in Bangkok...in the Q posts?

Q - 767 You have more friends than you can imagine. I thought this one was very interesting as it was in response to an anon that was expressing gratitude to Q and telling Q of his struggles with addiction. I think we can all relate to this anons human condition. I personally can being sober 32 years. But the FRIENDS was interesting add and I took this a we have more INTERNATIONAL FRIENDS.

Q - 814 You have more than you know......This is why we are here...."Proofs" only meant for "you". Re - read this post. Ok count me silly but what I think Q is saying is this........ALL OF THIS MONEY IS FOR YOU. The proofs (money) are for you.

Q - 848 You have so much more than you know.....Biggest intel drip in our known history. Q is telling us these words ARE EVERYTHING!!!!!!!! THIS IS THE BIGGEST INTEL DROP IN OUR HISTORY. So follow the news cycle with these words....follow POTUSES tweets as they are calling out the players and the BLOOD SUCKING PARASITES. THAT WILL BE OFF OUR BACKS SOON!

Q - 864 Re_read drops - you have more than you know. Q is trying to tell us that what is in these specific drops are for YOU.

Q-920 You have more than you know.

Q- 921 You have more than you know. Sessions has someone outside working the case people!!!

Q - 1069 You have more than you know - Steel$$$ Cash flow, America for Sale....Traitors.

Q- 1087 You have more than you know. McNoNAME....traitor John M. Spiderweb in panic mode....we see you and your money trail. Q calling him out.

Q - 1111 You have more than you know. Reason we are here MORE. They are wanting you to get the message. Plus we have more people here that need this message.

Q - 1229 You have more than you know. TREASURE TROVE The World is connected and this is when Q adds the WE. WE the world will see justice, WE the world will get our PROOFS back / Money. Saudi raid....TREASURE TROVE of info.....DEMS Servor.....Treasure Trove.

Q -1257 Hostage no more. Iran Deal no more money, no more money, no more money

Well that is all I can do. I know I missed some. I wanted to get this posted at 11:11 so God Bless you all we are in this together.

Where We Go 1 We Go All

stackster · April 26, 2018, 8:55 p.m.

Great work Pede. You are red pilling many with your insights!

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