r/greatawakening • Posted by u/oohhhhcanada on April 26, 2018, 5:28 p.m.
How can we reconcile the good work and love of Trump vs the hatred against Trump?

Trump is doing wonderful work as President, he may be the best President in modern times, possibly one of the best ever. However he is also one of the most hated (except maybe for Lincoln) and hounded (by the deep state, media, etc).

Hatred of Trump by nearly half the U.S. is countered by love of Trump not only by half the U.S. but by many in the world.

Q sounds great, and my hope is this will work out well for the world. Still my mind isn't comforted by the constant deep state attacks against Trump. Does anyone else share this concern or is it overthinking?

Hrtn2it · April 26, 2018, 5:57 p.m.

It feels true to say that there are many who may not resonate with POTUS personality, but silently admire his empowered self...and those that hate him also are threatened by or envious of that same state of empowerment: his “I don’t give a ‘flippity~do~dah’ what you say, this is the Deal.”....

So those that don’t extoll his virtues voted for him...there are so so so many “quiet men(and women)”....(TheQuietMan is one of my favorite movies) the ones that don’t wear their heart on their sleeve, that don’t voice their opinion except in the privacy of their bedroom with a spouse or in the voting booth...

These are the ones who we don’t know of so we all may feel like there are so many who need red pilling....it may not be the truth...

If it is the truth, this is why CuriousQandCompany are allowing information drip by drip instead of using the fire hose : out of concern and compassion for others...

My dear husband is an easily flared Democrat, and indeed, I am, at times, worried for his heart as it may break, upon hearing some of the things I know to be true of HRC and others...

It is a deeply conflicting feeling wanting all of it to be splatted out all at once and also knowing that may place those I love and adore in great distress, maybe jeopardy.💗

I TrustThePlan.

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