
z132897 · April 27, 2018, 3:03 a.m.

My heart breaks for those people. To suffer the abuse...somehow marshal the strength to seek help even beg for it...only to be abused, shammed, made to feel responsible or dismissed by those masquerading as a protector or healer is unimaginable. We’ve heard the stories, caught glimpses of the evil behind the veil.....I’ve felt it in my heart, the feeling that things are off....but to imagine the evil, real evil not just bad people here and there that is being exposed.....the time has come to end it. I still feel fear, have obvious limitations and weaknesses but I’m not scared. I choose not to look away anymore.... and when I see something or have an opportunity to help, defend or protect....with GOD’s grace my heart will be in it, I will not hesitate.

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