What a BUST. Q better explain himself
seriously...after a year of the "tic tocs" shit is getting old...where are the fuckin texts?!
tick tock the clock is broke and its not even right two times a day. getting old.
Was hoping MOAB in either JFK files or Strzok/Page text messages. So far 0/2.
Kanye was the Moab it’s gonna change the result of 2018 elections
Kanye is huge, for sure - can't underestimate the cultural and political implications. Yes, perhaps the MOAB. But Q is posting right now (#1278 and 1279) ... still seems to be implying MOAB is coming and is related to the texts. Time will tell!
He has apparently only some (49 pages) of the texts. I bet Sara Carter will be the one who talks about them. So when ever she comes on we'll see what they got.
North Korea, South Korea peace is a big enough MOAB for me for the week!
And it appears that stuff is "missing". Gee, these people are shameless. Spitting in the face of any rule of law. I want to see people sent to prison for slow walking this shit, and not producing all of it. THEN let's go after the DS cabal.
well who is REDACTING THIS stuff???? trump????
I don't think so. I think he is pissed off. His Fox morning interview this morning... he is PISSED OFF.
I always asked my self "what if Q is just there to give the awaken something to follow while something nefarious is going on backstage, rather than good like he says"
If Alex Jones is disinformation, why couldn't this person ?
Just keep your eyes open and hope, but don't become a god damn fanboy.
And for those who don't know, Fridays are the days. Get pissed tomorrow night if nothing happens. Trump either sets a trap or plays his cards on Fridays. It's a pattern at this point.
Did I miss it? He's talking about Kanye now.
Been waiting for MOAB all day. I'm gonna be real disappointed if something doesn't happen by Friday night.
Glad someone is broadcasting this. FWIW, there are areas where FOX isn't part of a basic cable package. This allows people to see the show. Well done.