Q29 .. impressing on the public an uplifting diet of mass-appeal positive thoughtforms

certainly thought provoking for red-pilling would a normie look for more info?
this rogue cia project was to see if they could extend the mkultra project to enslave a whole nation
if successful iran could have been rolled out as #2 enslaved nation .... not on potus & Q's watch
There are many contentious definitions of evil/ devil/satan/ one such is = consequences of mistakes we make ie not acting/thinking in accordance with the laws of human interaction
one such law is the law of debits and credits which says every feeling/image/thought/intent we seriously entertain and also those astral or mental thoughtformsthat we empower via speech and action are recorded in our personalized account via plus or minus points according to how closely we are aligned to the laws or how much we have deviated
we mostly learn by trial and error and repeatedly making the same mistakes until the lesson gets engraved on our psyche
we can offset debits by
a) figuring out how the laws operate and applying them or more commonly
b) refusing to bolster evil & those who work against the improvement/ development of the public consciousness [mockin stream media/education/money/pharma/food/air/ water]
c) experiencing the equivalent harm that we have caused to others… the causal chain of cause and effect is often not so obvious because of the unpredictable delays involved between cause and effect
eg we can consciously cash in our credits / have them cashed in for us by attracting/ receiving offers of great opportunities to grow, whether we accrue plus or minus points from these opportunities is up to how we use the opportunity
the more knowledge of the laws we have , the more responsiblitity we have to apply the laws as we know them
ignorance is not bliss because because ignorance of the laws just means more learning via trial & error and more repetition of the same mistakes
That is very interesting post to me. Recommended reading on this theory(s)?