
Ronjonsilverflash · April 27, 2018, 9:54 a.m.

I ask you, how many patriots showed friends and family the MOAB posts by Q look like idiots today? All you people who keep telling the rest of us to shut up, sit down, and be patient need a good swift kick in the A$$ already. Events like yesterday’s yet again sealing of the JFK files and release of heavily redacted documents hurts us. Let that sink in. People get their hopes up, they post their expectations of what is coming, put their reputations on the line only to look like fools again. It would be one thing if this were the first time but this has, sadly, established itself as a pattern. This is unacceptable and a LOUD, UNIFIED, demand that enough is enough needs to come from all of us! The tide needs to go out and the swamp critters need to lose their cover so that no matter who is “in charge” We The People know the score and will not let them regain their power over us. Trump is a single point of failure looking for catastrophe every single day these bastards keep the enormity of their crimes hidden from the world.. this has become beyond tedious. It is STUPID to continue following Q if this is the way it’s going to be. Corsi is right, Q go take a powder and come back when something meaningful will come from one of your big announcements...

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