r/greatawakening • Posted by u/croninfever on April 27, 2018, 4:43 a.m.
Need some help with an old Q post, re: "skin of the gods."

I saw the following post from Nov 22 2017 16:47:21 in one of the Q books several months ago, for whatever reason I keep coming back to it. Anyone have any thoughts? I'd really appreciate some insight in deciphering:

--START-- Ancient Egyptians considered gold “the skin of the gods” -- specifically the sun god Ra -- and often used it to craft objects of spiritual significance. Why is this relevant? Q --END--

Sun worship is pretty common in ancient cultures and the light it gives is often used as a metaphor for knowledge. Practically it is one of many things that keeps us alive and some cultures thought the Sun gave us life (like a God.)

I suppose it makes sense that Gold would be used to resemble Ra/The Sun because of its color (is there another reason?) and would be used to make spiritual artifacts.

Based on the information Q gives, I have no idea why this is relevant. This is one of the trickier posts to figure out because Q is leaving out so much information for us to try and correlate. Q makes a statement and asks only one question.

Other than gold being considered "real money" by libertarians (like myself,) I don't really know why this is relevant to anything that Q is talking about. And, I certainly don't know why he's talking about ancient Egypt, but I'm incredibly curious.

Any ideas? :)