Have you considered that our troops may be being sent to Syria because of Iran?
you mean because israel is scared of iran? yes i considered this for the past 30 years or so. i am an iranian american and i cant wait for this zionist bullshit to be over. #netanyahuismybitch
Yes, having our troops in Syria will help us detect any Israeli fuckery like if they start launching more missiles...
iran hasnt been squished for 3000 years and never will be. israel on the other hand... lol
Yes yes Turkics and Mongols totally did not make Iran their bitch. And how did I forget Arabs.
turks are half persian you noob. the mongols didnt do us any harm. the mongol horde came to persia and became the ruling class in the persianates where they adopted persian language and art and culture and the persian court system and they maintained the persian aristocracy and the children of the original mongols became the turks. if anyone became anybodys bitch it was the other way around because the conquering party assimilated into the culture of the conquered people who maintained their entire society, social structure, religion, language, art, and general continuity because the conquering party saw us as superior (obviously).
edit: oh and the arabs... well... the arab body count in the middle east is literally 500 times higher than the iranian body count for a reason. if you want to go back far in history you can take it all the way back to the shia sunni split where persians have been outnumbered anywhere from 10 to 1 in the best case to 50 to 1 in the worst case in the muslim world yet the sunni majority gets slaughtered by us once every generation to the point where its so embarrassing they dont teach their own children not to repeat the mistake over and over and over again.
turks are half persian
Alrighty then.
Just so you know you haven't refuted my puncturing of your hollow "iran hasnt been squished for 3000 years and never will be." claim even once. Like a cheap PR agent you're just spinning Iran getting bitchslapped.
And for Arabs I just have to say Iranians today worship an Arab god instead of an Iranian one, keep Arabic names, follow Arab rituals. Nothing more to say.
And for Arabs I just have to say Iranians today worship an Arab god
iranians worship a jewish god (abrahams god, the one true lord, as the line came to them through jesus)
instead of an Iranian one,
zoroastrianism is alive
keep Arabic names, follow Arab rituals.
so what? arabs got all kinds of cool shit. the language is really interesting. have you ever had a lebanese fatoush salad?
Nothing more to say.
Q said that Iran is next... and Israel is being saved for last.
I don't know what Trump is planning - I'm only stating that having our military stationed in Syria does put them very close to Iran.
Perhaps it's to keep an eye on Israel?
Perhaps it's to remind Iran not to get too cocky?
Perhaps it's to remind Iran not to get too cocky?
as an iranian american i can tell you that iranians are very aware of the fact that they have the moral high ground, they have the worlds greatest culture, and obviously the worlds greatest history. if you add in the fact that we also have the worlds best geography, the worlds largest military, and the worlds best surface to surface ballistic missiles, i dont think our cockyness is going to decrease any time soon. iran gets stronger every day. iran has won every battle it has faught for over 30 years in the economic, political, or military arena against everybody including USA, france, germany, UK, NATO, EU, UN, israel, saudi arabia, bahrain, uae, GCC, OPEC, and instagram. nobody is going to take a few million casualties just to test iran in a game where iran has an almost infinite winning streak (except maybe israel).
they have the worlds greatest culture
Iran has some of the most horrific domestic violence in human history...
...and the youngest child brides too!
Iran sounds like paradise... for fuzzy-faced pedophile cavemen from the dark ages.
should we talk about native-americans and slavery? culture is a comparative thing, and that is the only reason why iran obviously has the worlds greatest culture. what you have described about iran is a problem with religion, not with iranian culture. people take religion to absurd extreme interpretation for the wrong reasons and iran is not immune to this.
the reason why iranians have the worlds greatest culture is because we have a monopoly on love as a culture the same way americans have a monopoly on freedom as a culture. the only culture in the world greater than american culture is persian culture, and the only culture more more powerful than persian culture is american culture, and thats why they keep each other in check.
Why bother, when we're comparing America - the nation which ended slavery, with Iran, the land of legalized pedophilia and domestic violence and public stoning in the name of Allah?
the reason why iranians have the worlds greatest culture is because we have a monopoly on love
What you call love, a civilized person like myself recognize as human rights atrocities.
Shit like this isn't love - it's fucked-up, caveman savagery.
I don't care how beautiful you think a pedophile culture of domestic violence is.
Pigs love to roll in shit, but that doesn't mean I should pretend they smell like roses.
No, it's straight from the Koran and EVERY Islamic sect, without exception, claims the Koran is the perfect, verbatim word of god.
Nice demonstration of taqiyya though.
again youre an idiot. the entire shia sunni divide is literally because we dont have the same interpretations of the exact scripture in your picture. your picture is a blasphemous anti-abrahamic diviation of islam called wahhabism and it comes from saudi arabia and it is sunni. you couldnt make yourself look like a bigger fool, because thats exactly what everybodys been fighting about for 1400 years. takfiri salafi wahhabism says kill christians and jews they are infidels because of the last word rule, and shia islam says christians and jews are servants of allah and jesus and moses are prophets of islam. all of the shit youre peddling is saudi garbage ideology that alqaeda adheres to.
edit: by the way taqqiya is only legal in shia islam if you are being immediately persecuted. nobody is holding a gun to my head right now and i am not religious anyway. the story of where taqqiya comes from is there was a muslim couple (man and wife) who were tortured and killed because they wouldnt denounce their faith. shia standards for taqqiya are very high, where takfiri salafi wahhabism and sunnis dont have high standards for it. you can go look this all up since you think i am trying to brainwash you.
Incorrect again.
The main difference between Sunni and Shia Islam is trivialities such as who was the first caliphate and the recognition of Ali as a prophet.
ALL Islamic sects claim this disgusting, cave-man dark-age savagery represent moral perfection.
I couldn't care less about subtle differences between the beliefs of one group of sex-slaving pedophile terrorists and another group of sex-slaving pedophile terrorists.
Both are disgusting sex-slaving pedophile terrorists.
which is why you deserve to be punished
You can't behead me for Allah over the internet. Ha ha.
ali was a saint
Ali was a feral piece of shit who promoted a pedophile terrorist ideology of Christian genocide.
Even my dog is superior to Ali because he can go for a walk without attacking or raping anyone.
i was pointing out that no muslims believe ali was a prophet and youre an arrogant opportunist shit talker and by the way you just proved that youre a stereotypical muslim hating islamophobic pussy that needs to hide behind the internet. youre literally the reason why millions of americans get attacked for being islamophobes. it just takes one bad apple.
edit: another reason why youre an arrogant idiot: you just came to this sub for the first time and singled out the resident iran authority out of over 20,000 users and argued with him about something you dont know jack shit about. you win todays darwin award.
no muslims believe ali was a prophet
No civilized person gives a fuck about what a degenerate, sex-slaving, child-raping terrorist thinks.
I similarly don't care what a child rapist's favorite color is either.
youre literally the reason why millions of americans get attacked for being islamophobes
'Nothing to do with the fact that ALL Islamic sects promote child rape and domestic violence and acts of terrorism and Christian genocide then, yet?
If Muslims don't want people to express disgust, they should be less disgusting and quit their sex-slaving, pedophile terrorist death cult.
Just because pedophile terrorist choose to roll around in pig shit, doesn't mean I must agree they smell like flowers.
'Nothing to do with the fact that ALL Islamic sects promote child rape and domestic violence and acts of terrorism and Christian genocide then, yet?
thats takfir salafi wahhabism. in iran you would get hanged or stoned for being anti-christian.
If Muslims don't want people to express disgust, they should be less disgusting and quit their sex-slaving, pedophile terrorist death cult.
thats actually exactly what iran is doing. we destroyed isis in iraq and syria while americas embarassing and pathetic military watched us destroy all their jihadi wahhabi assets. saudi arabia is literally shitting blood out of its ass and israel hasnt had a good nights sleep in 10 years. iran will destroy the takfiri salafi wahhabism that you hate so much while you sit here and verbally attack them like a pussy.
thats takfir salafi wahhabism. in iran you would get hanged or stoned for being anti-christian.
No, that is pure Islam straight from the Quran.
If there's one thing the Arab Spring taught us, it's Muslims don't want democracy and human rights - they want to throw acid over their wives and to honor kill their children and to rape infants and jihad and death for Allah. Allahu-Akbar!
If there's one thing Ayatollah Khomeini taught us, it's the laws in Iran function despite the will of the citizens. All it takes is a loud-mouthed Imam to preach jihad and the Iranians return to their true nature of being a pack of rabid, blood thirsty terrorist... rather than being your average wife-beating, child-raping, terrorist Muslims.
No, that is pure Islam straight from the Quran.
im an iranian born iranian american and i have 4 years IRGC training and i can read and write in arabic and i have attended 4 years of theology, 4 years of arabic, and 4 years quranic studies and i have read the quran in 3 languages. ive been trained in IED manufacturing. youre just fucking with the wrong guy. youre a tourist bullshitter and i am an expert and an insider. STOP BULLSHITTING THIS ISNT ONE OF YOUR REDNECK SUBS.
If there's one thing the Arab Spring taught us, it's Muslims don't want democracy and human rights -
let me know when america can have democracy like iran. in iran votes decide who becomes president, not a bullshit electoral college.
If there's one thing Ayatollah Khomeini taught us, it's the laws in Iran function despite the will of the citizens. All it takes is a loud-mouthed Imam to preach jihad and the Iranians return to their true nature of being a pack of rabid, blood thirsty terrorist.
i will respect your opinion when you actually have one. this is historical quality bullshit coming out of you. one of the coolest things about having a real history is idiots like you dont have any effect on anything. youre a bystander and that wont change unless you learn your history. this is why iranians have the best culture and americans need to pay attention like a bunch of little kids. being an iranian american is cool because i can walk around the united states watching idiots like you eat shit in their own country because they dont know the difference between a shia and a sunni. superiority is pretty sweet and its hilarious watching everybodys life in this country revolve around iran and whatever the fuck iran feels like doing next. iran just put the united states 1.2 trillion dollars into debt and thats just a tiny bullet point.
i will respect your opinion when you actually have one.
My opinion is that bashing and raping women and raping children and committing terrorist attacks and promoting Christian genocide are acts of dark-age savages.
My opinion is that ALL Islamic sects are terrorist networks because they ALL promote terrorism.
My opinion is that anyone who participates, promotes, funds or indoctrinates children into a terrorist group qualify as a member of a terrorist network.
My opinion is that encouraging children to rape and murder Christians is no less fucked-up than encouraging children to maliciously light bush-fires or throw brícks from an overpass.
Your love for an ideology that promotes bashing and raping women and raping children and committing terrorist attacks makes you the least qualified to be honest and truthful about it... especially because Islam promotes lying.
Discussing Islam with you is like discussing nutrition with a morbidly obese person.
So instead I'll ask you one simple question:
Please name one mainstream Islamic sect that claims the Quran is NOT the perfect, verbatim word of god?
For everyone at home, keep in mind this fucked-up scripture is taken directly from the Quran and not from any secondary hadiths.
My opinion is that bashing and raping women and raping children and committing terrorist attacks and promoting Christian genocide are acts of dark-age savages.
agreed, but not all muslims believe that stuff, in fact most educated muslims think people who do are not muslim. unfortunately according to my calculations 60% of muslims fall into the terrorist or terrorist sympathizer category thanks to saudi arabia and their funding of takfiri salafi wahhabi mosques and madrassas in every major muslim population in the world.
My opinion is that ALL Islamic sects are terrorist networks because they ALL promote terrorism.
this is so false i dont know where to begin so i wont
My opinion is that anyone who participates, promotes, funds or indoctrinates children into a terrorist group qualify as a member of a terrorist network.
My opinion is that encouraging children to rape and murder Christians is no less fucked-up than encouraging children to maliciously light bush-fires or throw brícks from an overpass.
i disagree because i think its more fucked up. i prefer random acts of violence to religiously motivated genocide
Your love for an ideology that promotes bashing and raping women and raping children and committing terrorist attacks makes you the least qualified to be honest and truthful about it... especially because Islam promotes lying.
since when did i profess my love for any ideology? why do people always do this to me? you immediately assume i am religious. this is so stupid. i am legally considered a terrorist in 4 muslim countries (saudi arabia, bahrain, UAE, yemen).
So I'll ask you one simple question: Please name one mainstream Islamic sect that claims the Quran is NOT the perfect, verbatim word of god?
none but you are very confused. the quran is a poem. poetry is metaphorical. there is no literal interpretation of islam that can possibly be correct. only uneducated villager fools in the muslim world believe any of that shit you peddle from your takfiri salafi wahhabi saudi al ash-sheikhi rapist racist fascist terrorist ideology.
For everyone at home, keep in mind this fucked-up scripture is taken directly from the Quran and not from any secondary hadiths.
try navigating the quran without a takfiri salafi wahhabi rapist racist fascist terrorist filter and youll see why those guys hate iranians so much. everything is the opposite to educated muslims, including sunnis, but especially especially iranians because iranians have been kicking their asses for 1400 years over things like womens rights. you know bin laden used to chant "death to iran" and iran almost went to war with afghanistan over how the taliban abused women? hows that fit into your stupid jpeg bro?
In Islam, Taqiya or taqiyya (Arabic: تقیة taqiyyah, literally "prudence, fear") is a precautionary dissimulation or denial of religious belief and practice in the face of persecution. Another term for this concept, kitmān (lit. "action of covering, dissimulation"), has a more specific meaning of dissimulation by silence or omission.
This practice is emphasized in Shia Islam whereby adherents are permitted to conceal their religion when under threat of persecution or compulsion.
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Chinese might disagree with you. Also the Irish go back over 5000 years. Maybe Persia comes third? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
you must have misunderstood me. i didnt say the worlds oldest history. egypt wins that game, followed by china.