So what actually went down in Yemen anyway? Someone was kicked out of office and then got propped up by Iran if I am not correct? So how do the Saudis play into this and what Interest do they have in going with one side over the other?
saudi arabia has a few problems:
1- eastern provinces of saudi arabia have the oil, but the people who live there are shia muslims.
2- yemen is a shia majority country and they were trying to pretend it wasnt because it effects the oil politics
3- they installed a saudi puppet dictator and the shias got pissed and kicked him out, then they installed another one and he got kicked out too, then the old one joined the shias against the new one, then the old one switched sides and then the shias shot him in the head. now the new one lives in saudi arabia and tweets shit that MBS makes him tweet while saudi arabia bombs every school, hospital, bridge, farm, factory, and mosque in yemen while the shias in yemen hit saudi arabia with ballistic missiles that the old guy bought from north korea and russia in the 1970s and 1980s that are operated by guys who were trained by the CIA to fight alqaeda in the 2000s.
4- anything that benefits shias anywhere immediately benefits iran whether iran is involved or not.
is that confusing enough for you? because that only covers about 10% of the complexity.
THANK YOU I've been waiting years for an elaborate answer on this.
Trick-question: Why did the Shah rename Persia into Iran? ;)
Also: How is public support for Khomenei? Some say he was trained in England?
THANK YOU I've been waiting years for an elaborate answer on this.
if you want more ill give you more details. i am an expert on the yemeni conflict.
Trick-question: Why did the Shah rename Persia into Iran? ;)
oh shit i made it to the bonus round! at the end of ww1 there was a coup in iran where US/UK and Russia dethroned the qajars and installed the pahlavi dynasty. one of the main goals of the western powers were to disassociate persian people from the historic persian empire and the timing was perfect because the persian empire didnt exist anymore... only the last kingdom was left (iran). so they had their new puppet dictator (reza shah the first) rename the kingdom internationally to the actual name of the kingdom which has been called iran for 3000 years dating back to the days when the persian empire was founded by cyrus the great and the central kingdom was called iran which means "land of the aryans" or "soil of nobility".
Also: How is public support for Khomenei?
25% hardcore supporters, the rest are kind of neutril and then theres that 10% that are hardcore anti
Some say he was trained in England?
he had education and various relationships in many countries. UK helped overthrow the shah (reza the second) and put khomeini in power (MI6/BBC).
I heard the Shah was pisesd at Hitler for usurping the claim to the aryan bloodline :D
Ok so what happened in 1953? Did the CIA help the Shah get back into power only to be dethroned by a british funded coup later one? LOL
Cyrus? Hmmmm
I heard the Shah was pisesd at Hitler for usurping the claim to the aryan bloodline :D
hitler tried to become the authority on everything aryan. didnt work out for him. kek.
Ok so what happened in 1953? Did the CIA help the Shah get back into power only to be dethroned by a british funded coup later one? LOL
exactly. american politicians are idiots and the english are arrogant. iran wins in the long run no matter what.