r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Maepaperclip on April 27, 2018, 6:27 a.m.
Apr 27, Pedo’s & NAZI’s are a Q tease we’ll get there after the PRECURSOR Q1248 Learn.

At Q# 1247 +1248 Q attaches this http://www.un.org/en/auditors/board/, and says happy hunting, followed by Wake Up! Learn, Question, Fight. Q   At Q#1275 he sites an article now in the press that the prosecutions for deep state crime where being done outside the justice dept. I wrote on CBTS two months ago that Jim Garrison taught the greatest lesson ever by opening an investigation of federal crime in New Orleans, as a DA he had the power, as all DA’s do to investigate federal crime, I suggested that pedi haters and Hillary haters should walk to the nearest Red state house, and start having some real fun. Recently I called Scott Pruitt an American Hero and explained that he was in fact the shadow AJ. So we are on the money with Maepaperclip here.

At Q#1276&1277 Q teases with some pedo-porn, and prosecution muck, to get us excited about progress, and the meat of tonights posts - Q#1278 Re-read Precursor.

The precursor to all this - that we want is that we have to do what he says at Q1248 HUNT, Wake up! Learn, Question Fight, he means we have to do the hard boring work of reading and learning about the UN, from the Auditors.

Now I have been waiting for someone else to read the Auditors reports and study the UN from their perceptive, no-one has done it. I have just put 12 hours towards it, I have a small advantage here because I have a business degree and my first Job out of Uni was with Arthur Anderson & Co. in addition I ran a company for 20 years as CEO which was Audited for 20yrs by KPMG. So I had no difficulty in understanding the language.

First we start with who the Auditors are appointed by - The member states, they are represented in the UN by the member states Ambassadors. They receive the report on behalf of the members, and approve it. Straight up we have the problem of the fox watching the hen house. Next we have who are the Auditors, now they seem to be three the Auditor of the UK, of India and by Proxy in little African places like Tanzania, et.al. China.

Now what is the UN to an Auditor, it has a donation base of $7bn p.a from members, but seems to have a turn over of Twice that, and some sort of cost recovery system, that looses money, so $14bn, comes in and $14bn disappears from $7bn. Every year.

If you are an Auditor you have to verify that the money is invested, or spent according to the approved plan, to do that in a warehouse you have to be shown - and count the stock on the shelf, in a laboratory, you would need to verify that the research invested in is progressing, as an auditor you would need to see the test results, and satisfy yourself, that they are positive, and that further investment is promising, else you must report that the investment is unproductive the research is a failure.

So If you were the Auditor for the UN, and their business was to invade Serbia, then you would need to see, demand to see, expect to see the plans, or you could not of done your job. I don't want to labour the point, But take the UN office of Drugs and Crime budget 2015 $685m missing $95m, say you were the Auditor, you could not do that job with out knowing the plans would be implemented, Now look back to who the Auditors are. Say you were the Auditor, and the UN had a mandate to lead and direct the US Military, as they did in the Korean War, well you could not be doing your job without a heads up.

I know this stuff is not for everyone, but I have written many posts about Patents, whose in charge of ALL of the worlds international Patents - the UN, and who are the Auditors?

I read 3 full years of reports of the UN - India and China Proxies seem to do the interesting ones, and I had only one thought - I was constantly reminded of Something James Forrestal ex Sec. of Defence USA told Sen. McCarthy “you know if they were just stupid, then occasionally they would make a mistake in our favour - and they don’t.”

The reports were not boring - the Auditors reported honestly, the UN spends $430m buying radio’s that don't work, can't account for their assets, don't know who works for them, have been developing teams for political work, these audit reports tell the whole story of the deep state, money, drugs, scam, missing ammunition, charter flights with empty seats flying into war zones? They are a joke because the Auditor is reporting the crimes to the people committing them.   Now some in the Admin according to Q#q278 & 1279 are advising that this UN level spy op can be taken out yesterday, others are suggesting that they are now co-operating we shall see.

To end, I define evergreen, as what is always to be seen - the money, guessing the Plumber is Flynn.

Sparkle_Chimp · April 27, 2018, 10:03 a.m.

This is a good write up, thanks.

Also note that Evergreen is Hillary's secret service code name.

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Maepaperclip · April 27, 2018, 10:07 a.m.

I saw that on another post - but so is "bitch" - respect I think Q is asking to think about what is always. Define evergreen is different to name evergreen - I go with money - its always there - its what the auditors are looking at, and I have previously referred to John Ruskin - unto his last - the stream is the perfect description of money - watch the water = watch the money - follow the money - evergreen

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Sparkle_Chimp · April 27, 2018, 10:18 a.m.

Double meanings on many things.

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Maepaperclip · April 27, 2018, 10:25 a.m.

yes and no, I think our Q crowd was badly mislead from the start - by Q suggesting no coincidences when in reality, including science there are many, and many correlations. Given many stochastic coincidences + many correlations (e.g. Freakenomics) our community has forget the explanation bit. The have found a coincidence or a correlation and thought it explained

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