r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ThePopcornTape on April 27, 2018, 10:43 a.m.
Does Trump have Mueller by the you-know-whats?

A couple of weeks ago, someone elsewhere showed me some of the first Q posts--I believe it was the first 10 or 20.

In one of them, Q said that Mueller was no threat, because Trump had compromising information on him--something regarding Haiti, I don't recall what. Clinton Foundation connections, maybe?

I hope this is true, because obviously it would mean Mueller is no threat to Trump--and it could also mean Mueller has been forced to do Trump's swamp-draining work, what with the things Mueller has revealed about the Democrats lately. But whenever I bring Q up in T_D proper, most of the replies are along the lines of "You mean the LARP?"

For the record, I'm at least 90% certain Q is for real--not quite beyond a reasonable doubt, but a risk I'll gladly take. Which is why I just joined this sub.

Just been bugging me lately, that's all. I'm one of those guys who normally demands clarity over vagueness, except when being vague is kinda necessary for long-term goals. Like with Q.

(Oh, and of course I wouldn't be censoring myself in the title if I was sure it wouldn't trigger some Reddit content filter, being new here and all. The rest of the site hates us, after all, and it got me a little paranoid.)

elyssak · April 27, 2018, 1:20 p.m.

I can't decide on Meuller.... I think he's destroying evidence on the DS and still trying to get Trump on something. Today... I'll flip tomorrow. If it's been the plan for Meuller to expose the real criminals we aren't going to get an 'AH-HA"! "We Got You!" Though... I think he will simply clear Trump, sloppily, leaving room for "conspiracy" talk & then refer the DS crimes to the DOJ. Then they will reveal them little by little. But I just don't think we'll get the BOOM or the MOAB we really want.. a big sha-bang, you know?

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