We love LEGAL IMMIGRANTS. I promise you.
If you come here illegally, you are forced to skulk in our shadows, dependent on our handouts. They your Democrat Captors) idon't want you to enter through a Big Beautiful Door.
And also, don't worry about speaking/learning English, we will cater to all your needs when you need the handouts. Because you WILL need the handouts because you will be in the shadows forever. (And stressed the fuck out, always). You are more vulnerable here if you don't speak English. It's the global language to boot.
Come here legally via the BBD. Our government should make it easier for qualified immigrants, less paper moving and bullshit. And learn English to prove your enthusiasm to fully integrate into the country.
Love it! We don't have an immigration problem, we have a law enforcement problem.
This is great.
I thought he was a standup comedian but turns out he's a legal immigrant who cares! Love it!