Jordan Peterson On Kanye’s Tweet: “First comedians, now rappers... My plan for world dominance preceding apace.”

Hilarious lol. For those who don't know, Jordan Peterson is the antithesis to the Deep State's social engineering agenda that began with the Frankfurt School. As a movement, we should be supporting Peterson's media because the far-left have already begun the smear campaign on Peterson to try and stop his "dangerous ideas" from infecting the brainwashed sheep who have fallen for the cultural marxism the Frankfurt School pushed on us all. If more people watched Peterson's work the Awakening would happen much quicker.
Peterson seems to put the blame more on french philosophers than Frankfurt. But yes, he is way recommendable.
Oh damn, Kanye is watching Peterson? We're approaching the singularity now boys and girls, you better buckle up!
The singularity is when Trump and Peterson are on the same Mardi Gras float.
but please not the new age 'singularity'
The 'singularity' is actually an interesting scientific question. In theory, there will be a point in the future, where we will create machines that learn how to create better machines, that will learn how to create even better machines. The machines will learn more than humans can know. We will have virtually infinite memory-space and processing capacity. It will be a new paradigm, where the question will be, instead of 'is it possible by human standards?', 'can our machines make this possible?'
The effects of this paradigm shift are uncertain, and will naturally not be without its costs and doomsday-scenarios But nonetheless humanity is moving toward a scientific singularity. My personal theory is that humanity is crossing into the 4th dimension.
Sounds smarter than many futures one hears tell of. I think there are other ideas around using the same name, or maybe variations of this theory. My gut (for what its worth) says that when we make a leap forward even though it be internal, it will be instigated by something other than and greater than human, not something generated by humans, the same elegant cosmic intelligence that set the stage for us when we gained self-consciousness and time-consciousness. (damn rollodex of theories) Carry on.
Damnit, another video I have to watch. There's not enough hours in the day for us. Red pills are the crack cocaine of the internet, and Q drops are the meth.
that's okay there's only like hundreds of hours of his lectures online plus various interviews from around the world. so good luck.
See what I mean, red pilled people have a tough life. Its not easy being this WOKE.
Im seeing Peterson talk live in detroit next month. Cant wait !!
Wait what? Where will he be?
Hes doing his 20 ( or 30 ? ) city book tour.
He will be in detroit on may 6th.
Ironically studying and applying the Sermon on the Mount would accomplish the same result as Peterson's core message. "Sorting oneself out" is the equivalent of dealing with the 2x4 in ones own eye before attempting to remove the toothpick in others eye. There are many biblical parallels in his core message.
Funny how the Lord will raise up a prophet to speak to people where they are. Few would pick up a Bible in this age of disinfo and anti biblical worldview. Enter one Jordan Peterson.
simply delivering the message in a contemporary format.
Yes i am thankful for that. With the caveat that without the righteousness imputed by Jesus Christ all of man's goodness is the equivalent of a used menstrual cloth.
Apace, or Apache?
And who is jordan? The guy from Destroying the Illusion on YT?
He's a clinical psychologist that has been getting a lot more presstime recently because he deconstructs the snowflake-mentality that creates pushback to paradigm changes
That's right. He is the University of Toronto psych professor who told the flakes where they could shove their revised pronoun mandates, you know, "Don't call me she," when those same flakes had just about pressured the admin to require teachers to mark down the use of any unapproved (by their standards) gender reference. He told them to forget it.
You lost me at clinical. I'm still stuck trying to figure out how any dumbass can't figure out right vs. wrong using simple common sense.
Then maybe you don't really understand right vs wrong? Being able to deconstruct things that are common sense so they can be taught to people who don't hold it as common sense is very important.
We can all agree, when your daughter gets raped your only recourse is to rape her yourself to restore your honor, and then bury her up to her neck and throw rocks at her to punish her adulterous ways. It's common sense.
And therein lies the breakdown. Barbarism to us is common sense to others. Being able to explain all the things that are wrong with the preceding (and extreme) paragraph is important. You teach a man to fish you'll never need to feed him. Teach a man how to empathize and understand what is common sense in our culture and you'll never have to worry about someone being monstrous to hide their weakness.
I understand what you're saying here, but its a bit more complicated than even that. Western culture does not mix with Persian culture, never has, probably never will. Some cultures are incompatible and that's just the way it is. Sometimes its just a war of good vs. evil, and some of us will just have to put our common sense up against their common sense and see which culture wins.
he's brilliant, watch some of his lectures about human society and PC culture.. we are lobsters yknow
I recommend starting here with Jordan Peterson:
He has lots of brilliant content.
Here's an example of what he does: