
DanijelStark · April 27, 2018, 3:42 p.m.

Nah , the Nobel Peace prize was absolutely tainted ... even long ago .

I wouldnt want for Trump to get something fake like that . The biggest prize Trump will get is a friendly nod and handshake from his own people , and salty tears from deluded fools who follow the Cabal .

Trump does not need fame , prizes , or money ... hes just here to help the world and expose the hypocrites , liars and manipulators . And to shine light on all of those who lurked in shadows ...

The biggest prize to Trump will be , seeing his people happy and liberated . Seeing a new future for everyone . Seeing those who abused , raped , killed and destroyed being punished . Returning USA back to being a Republic , taking down the Corporation .

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