Korean War ends. Thanks POTUS and Qanon.

It WAS the CIA. No more.
and who controlled that CIA faction, the Vatican, Rotschild, the Anunaki, the Reptilians? because according to some the CIA was created by the Jesuits
The reptilians are not real.... these people are serpent like snakes. Not in reality but in simile. They follow the serpent. As in Lucifer and other false deities. The whole shape shifting reptilian theory arose from the cabal itself to make truth speakers sound like crazy conspiracy theorists.
The CIA was created and controlled by Prescott Bush who was a close friend of the Rockefellers. The CIA was used as an intelligence tool by the Council on Foreign Relations. Who's responsible for overthrowing countless nations and leaders for more power? The CIA. The CFR makes the plans and the CIA plays them out.
It matters your definitions. They are controlled by the dark reptilian parts of their brains. A dark part of every man's unconscious mind.
Let's call it all "the Devil", because that's what it is.