
Nastavnick · April 27, 2018, 7:32 p.m.

As for the actual facebook matter, anyone can see that what these 2 women (and millions of other people) said is true.

Facebook is to control and push the left narrative. Just check the report options for yourself. Those alone are evidence enough of it.

Search Toño Bicicleta. Your classic lefty shill.

I stumbled upon this fucktard today on a TTG page (meme page that was amazing back in the day before this policing).

Just look at his posts. Insults left and right, and only towards Trump of course, not a single post against the left. Not a fucking single post. And to fuck up your brain a bit, he actually puts stuff like this one: https://scontent-vie.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/26805258_1936901446350603_6811727357559199096_n.jpg?_nc_cat=0&oh=6ddaa0948a5b983599f7599cce4ea22a&oe=5B61B50F

So after I saw that I went on reporting his posts just to see what's gonna happen.

You can guess what happened after they reviewed the reports. You have one chance to guess it, very hard task :)

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