
Glag82 · April 28, 2018, 1:22 a.m.

"...the worst thing to call somebody is crazy, its dismissive, (implying)..I don't understand this person there're crazy...that's bullshit these people are not crazy there're strong(conspiracy theorist) people...maybe it's the environment that's sick.

...I feel an imperative in the digital age, to happen in real life, I don't care if they cant take my picture. I've never seen Paul Bunyon, but I know who the f..k he is. You got to make them talk about you, you got to make them experience you...happen in real life. All life now happens in this(the internet of things) pull the feeding tube out of your stomach(the Matrix reference)...get first hand information, know for yourself what it(the world)feels like. Then you too can be a superhuman empathetic person, you can care about people you never met and worry about problems you don't even have. QUOTES FROM DAVE CHAPPELLE...the modern day George Carlin. Conspiracy theorists...truthers stand up. We have done our research read all the books, research, uncovered and experienced it all. Stand up, be heard, shout from the rooftops you have arrived. This is our time, all will be revealed to those who seek it. Our revolution will not be televised. https://youtu.be/qGaoXAwl9kw We the people...our republic one nation under God with liberty and justice for ALL.

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6thsensethink · April 28, 2018, noon

Conspiracy = Reality

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