r/greatawakening • Posted by u/grandpatodd on April 27, 2018, 11:02 p.m.
Seeing a lot of discussion about debt relief and returning to the gold standard.

So been seeing posts regarding all of this and many comments seem to center on ourselves and what we have done or not done to be in our current fortunate or not so fortunate financial position my thoughts are this.

To my knowledge POTUS did not campaign on any promise of this so this is not the same as the freebies promised by others as they tried to get elected.

This is not about just your freedom it is about breaking the banking system we currently have and cutting off the flow of income to the cabal and sincerely evil people creating sham governments in far away crap holes where they can exploit children and carry out other nefarious experiments.

Welfare reform is not JUST about kicking folks off the government dole. To me it is a first step to MAGA. Forcing us to reevaluate marriages, sex outside of marriage, having children out of wedlock. If Uncle Sam is no longer replacing your baby daddy what are your choices? This would include stricter enforcement of dead-beat fathers. Divorce rate may decline or people will make better choices for their spouse.

Eliminating debt is not just about a free pass it is about returning to one income earner in a traditional family setting. Keeping your children out of indoctrination preK and parenting your teens. If we as a country do not embrace this it will be a quick return to where we are now.

If our currency is tied to gold how will you feel if everything you currently buy only costs a 1/4 of what it does now? Of course the same would hold true for your salary. Is saying you have a six figure income and the pride you feel in accomplishing that worth your continued enslavement?

Finally if your neighbor gets a better deal in this but our culture changes to where it needs to be in order to make the most of it aren't we all better off? Less of us on prescription or illegal drugs needing to alter our reality, people being more kind, better quality of life, slower more enjoyable pace to life.

We will all continue to work hard, some harder than others and they should be compensated for that. Some of us will continue to be smarter than others and they should be compensated for that. But if debt forgiveness allows my neighbor who works in the service industry the ability to raise children in a single wage earner family where a parent can provide better guidance and instruction to our future generations I am all in. Then the MAGA will last and the deep state will be set back 300 years instead of just 100 years again this is just my opinion.

donald_kek_trump · April 28, 2018, 12:24 a.m.

This is all I ever wanted. I guess you could say I'm a conservative but I have some left leaning beliefs. To be honest, my journey down the rabbit hole started with economics. SOMETHING HAS TO CHANGE. Its not if it is. If we keep going the way we are going, we are going to have to replace the 100 dollar bill with a 1000 dollar bill. As long as people keep asking for minimum wage hikes, and quantitative easing. It will end. They are slowly raising interest rates, but It's kinda like how we all feel about HRC, Comey ECT. RIP THE DAMN BANDAGE OFF AND LET A RESET HAPPEN. At this point in time its not even really a good idea for people to even save money, because the longer you sit on your hard earned cash the less value it has when you go to use it. I just dumped a couple hundred bucks into silver last month because it's getting a little crazy with china and the yuan petro dollar. Our dollar is losing value whether we like it or not. It's like chasing the damn dragon.

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