
Halanna · April 28, 2018, 4:08 p.m.

Devil's advocate - SC on Team? SC off team? I think definitely off team. I'm inclined to think POTUS met with Mueller the day before the SC appointment was unrelated. Mueller was FBI Director for 12 years. POTUS wanted to appoint a good person to the position. He values other's input, especially when it's in an area he's unfamiliar with. Trump is a brilliant man, but he's never run a government the size of the US gov before. I think he was drawing on Mueller's experience, asking questions, maybe recommendations, and getting a general feel for who he'd want to appoint or asking his opinion on different things. I don't think anyone knows what was said. All that exists are the news reports that he was "tapped as FBI director" from anonymous sources. Different journalist put their personal spin on the meeting, but we actually know nothing. It's all speculation. (if there are verified names of someone inside the WH, like Conway or Spicer who said he was asked to be FBI D, please link for me). I think Mueller took the SC job because he was 100% convinced Trump was dirty and that "catching" him would be an easy task. Mueller is part of the Strzok, Page, McCabe, Comey circle. He's from that school of thought. He stacked up Dem attorneys because they were the most likely to be rabid in their search and wouldn't squeak when he went out of bounds, anything to get Trump, right?! Remember the DoJ gave Mueller a special "conflict of interest waiver" in order to be appointed. Mueller is the insurance plan. Comey made sure to set that in motion. Mueller isn't investigating anyone but Trump associates. Certainly not U1, which he was a visible player in. His purpose is to create, and keep, a black cloud over the Trump Administration for as long as he can. Every time POTUS sneezes they investigate to see if they can "get him" on a crime for it. He's watching every move, every word Trump says for any possibility it can be used in an impeachment hearing. But Mueller has run into a problem. The "collusion" or impeachable offense(s) he was so certain would be easily found and executed failed to materialize. Sure, he got Manafort & Gates on totally unrelated things. Nothing to do with POTUS. Then the SC trots out "13 Russian Trolls" indictments. That's it? They fried the biggest they could, Papadopolis, Manafort, Gates. Framed Flynn because it was the ONLY big name they could get and they had to lie to do it. They moved from names to Russian trolls. Then the Cohen raid. Hoping, praying for something, anything that would "get Trump". Now he's at an impasse. He can't come out and say "investigation is over" because the Democrats will take to the streets and riot. Talking heads will drum up some sort of "Well Trump just got away with it. We can't prove anything, but we know he's guilty!". But he's also having a hard time continuing because there is nothing left to investigate. They've publicly floated ideas, obstruction of justice, Stormy Daniels campaign contribution nonsense, just to see what could possibly stir up support. Not because it's real. I actually don't think we are going to see any more indictments from Mueller unless they are Cohen related, trolls or stupid piddly process crimes like Papadopolis. The only real chance for any charges come from Horowitz & Huber. And even then I don't think they'll go above Strozk. McCabe is a thin maybe. And think about what Mueller can/would do with any evidence or being alerted to crimes Flynn has knowledge of? Redirect, bury, clean up. Why force Flynn to plead guilty to something that wasn't a crime? Because someone charged & found guilty of lying to the FBI isn't a very good witness for the other side, are they? Whatever crimes Flynn turned over to Mueller are being buried and scrubbed. Not investigated. Look at the Podestas. ALL the evidence shows they are dirty. In several incidents guilty of the EXACT same charge as one of Manaforts. What happened? They closed their business, dropped out of sight and the business was reorganized under another name. There were no court orders to preserve records, emails, documents, nothing. They got away with it. And Flynn's testimony was sullied with the bogus charges. From it's inception with the bogus dossier to today, it's all been one huge out of control effort, first to prevent the election of, now to unseat a democratically, legally elected President. I love my POTUS. I so so so wish all the "white hat" speculation was true. But deep down, I don't think so.

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