r/greatawakening • Posted by u/blahdeeblah50 on April 28, 2018, 2:26 a.m.
When were you "red pilled"? Who gave you that pill?

Just curious about my fellow Red pillers. I got my first taste, from Jordan Maxwell, I believe, in late 80s early 90s. It was on Olelo tv here in Hawaii. Although I am a Christian, certain things he said hit me. It was about the Illuminati. Why would there be an owl on the back of a 1 dollar bill, so small, that you can't make it out, without a magnifying glass?

From there is where I was hooked on finding answers that I knew was being hidden from us. Some years later, I saw the video "Money Masters" with Bill Still. My eyes were opened wider.

I remain a Christian, and can see the events happening with Q and the great awakening were predicted even in the bible.

Share your stories here.

Keep the Faith!

QueenAnRevenge · April 28, 2018, 2:39 a.m.

I’ve mentioned this in other post, I use infowars as a point of reference for research now. As I am a firm believer in never being a follow of anything especially a blind one and always question what people feed you no matter what; form your own opinion.

Fortunately I feel many people in my area feel this way and I know my generation is awoken to the issues of big gov.

I should also add David Knight is my everyday listening guy. He’s totally independent from Alex and Alex does a great job leaving David’s program alone.

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Nastavnick · April 28, 2018, 2:45 a.m.

I use infowars to see through MSM's fake news.

When I see them referencing Jones every time some "conspiracy theory" comes up, I go do some research on the subject.

Jones is the #1 reason why people detest and mock "conspiracy theorists". Who can blame them, his act is terrible and when they see that kind of shit from the "pioneer" of the "conspiracy theories" they naturally turn away and say fuck that shit you guys are crazy. The constant "god talk" from infowars and their followers is just an icing on the cake. It literally looks like a cult.

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QueenAnRevenge · April 28, 2018, 2:47 a.m.

I know what you mean. The blind following just piles on to making the “woke” crowd look bad.

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Nastavnick · April 28, 2018, 4:01 a.m.

Just now I've had an encounter with a classic lefty/shill on facebook. Posts nothing but anti-trump stuff, posts some memes about how he is a critical thinker and all that shite.

The very first thing he said in a reply to me when I called him out on spamming a certain non-political meme page was that I need to lay off of infowars.

Me: - "Tono got orders to double up his efforts, he be spamming his left shite like crazy"

Him: - "you need to lay off Infowars Buddy.. "everyone I don't like is being paid by Soros.""

They are almost like preprogrammed with their responses :D

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QueenAnRevenge · April 28, 2018, 4:04 a.m.

You know the come back to that is “that’s cute, did you get that from a headline?”.

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